Where are all WP7 Deals at?


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Feb 24, 2011
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I'm trying to find out where all the WP7 deals are. I'm trying to find an Arrive for my cousin. The Bestbuy here said that they don't have it in and most likely..not gonna be receiving it...wtf! The next nearest bestbuy is about 2 hours away. So I was wondering if anyone knew of some sweet deals online for the Arrive?

He tried the Microsoft last night for that great deal the ARrive and 4000 Points for 0.01. But they did a credit verification and the last question was what year was your pontiac grand prix..well my cousin owned 3 grand prixs..so the answer he selected was incorrect and he failed the credit verification....He bought a Nexus S 4G from Bestbuy 2 weeks ago and that phone lags, hangs up unexpectingly...it's horrible.


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Jun 16, 2011
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Amazon.com and Newegg.com are your friends. However, make sure he's eligible for a full upgrade, not early, or is going to sign a new contract. Seeing that he bought the Nexus S 4G recently, make sure he returns the phone and cancels the previous contract if you want a new phone. Although, I'm sure you've already done that.

If he hasn't cancelled the contract, than the only people you can get a phone through is through the people you originally bought it from. You have usually up to 30 days to change your mind on a different phone before you're stuck with it. If they don't have a Windows Phone 7 device, ask if they can special order it for you. They can't not do that since Best Buy does sell Windows Phones at other stores and online. It just won't be for sale in that actual store, they'll mail it to you instead or have you pick it up once they get it.

You can always try eBay, but make sure the seller is reputable. A lot of cell phones on eBay are actually links to a website that you buy them from. So you're essentially buying a link.


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Feb 24, 2011
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Amazon.com and Newegg.com are your friends. However, make sure he's eligible for a full upgrade, not early, or is going to sign a new contract. Seeing that he bought the Nexus S 4G recently, make sure he returns the phone and cancels the previous contract if you want a new phone. Although, I'm sure you've already done that.

If he hasn't cancelled the contract, than the only people you can get a phone through is through the people you originally bought it from. You have usually up to 30 days to change your mind on a different phone before you're stuck with it. If they don't have a Windows Phone 7 device, ask if they can special order it for you. They can't not do that since Best Buy does sell Windows Phones at other stores and online. It just won't be for sale in that actual store, they'll mail it to you instead or have you pick it up once they get it.

You can always try eBay, but make sure the seller is reputable. A lot of cell phones on eBay are actually links to a website that you buy them from. So you're essentially buying a link.

Question...So if he decides to just return the phone, cancel that particular line/contract, and go through Amazon or whomever, does that cancelled line be added back to his account as another eligible line of service?

For example lets say he's approved 3 lines but initially he started 2 lines.He then started a new line of service with the Nexus. Now once he returns the phone and cancels the service on that particular line...which also cancels the contract, Would that 3rd line be replaced back to his account as an eligibility to sometime open that 3rd line again (new contract)? Or is it, once he cancels that service on that line, that also cancels the eligibility for that 3rd line of service and he'll just be stuck with 2 lines.


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Jun 16, 2011
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It all depends on where he is in the contract.

If his contract on the third line only just started with the addition of the Nexus S 4G fifteen days ago, then he can just walk in say he doesn't like the phone, you don't have the phone in stock that he wants, and he wants to cancel the contract since he has a total of 30 days before he has to pay an early termination fee. It's the same if he started the line two years ago, if he's on a two year contract. However, if he got this phone on an early upgrade aka before the contract had ended then he's stuck only getting a phone within 30 days through Best Buy unless he wants to pay that $350 fee.

If he gets his contract on the third line ended through Best Buy and returns the phone, then he can simply go to to any website or any store and add an "additional" line aka the third line again with an upgrade price of $0.01 instead of full retail, which would be like $500 for a focus.

Kind of confusing, sorry. I just don't know where he was in the contract when he got the Nexus.


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Feb 24, 2011
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It all depends on where he is in the contract.

If his contract on the third line only just started with the addition of the Nexus S 4G fifteen days ago, then he can just walk in say he doesn't like the phone, you don't have the phone in stock that he wants, and he wants to cancel the contract since he has a total of 30 days before he has to pay an early termination fee. It's the same if he started the line two years ago, if he's on a two year contract. However, if he got this phone on an early upgrade aka before the contract had ended then he's stuck only getting a phone within 30 days through Best Buy unless he wants to pay that $350 fee.

If he gets his contract on the third line ended through Best Buy and returns the phone, then he can simply go to to any website or any store and add an "additional" line aka the third line again with an upgrade price of $0.01 instead of full retail, which would be like $500 for a focus.

Kind of confusing, sorry. I just don't know where he was in the contract when he got the Nexus.

Thanks for helping me out...I thought that he got the Nexus two weeks ago, but it's actually a couple of days ago.So he's well within his 14 and/or 3day window.


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Jun 16, 2011
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Thanks for helping me out...I thought that he got the Nexus two weeks ago, but it's actually a couple of days ago.So he's well within his 14 and/or 3day window.

Yeah it's no problem. Like, 1jaxstate1 said though, you can find a Samsung Focus for only $150 on craigslist or eBay used; forgot about that option. So if you want a new phone go for the $0.01 cent deal you cannot beat that, but don't pay more than $150, especially if you're extending your contract for two years.

I'm with Verizon and the only phone available on their service is the Trophy, which is a great device, but there is no pre-owned market to get one for cheap off contract yet. Had to pay $150 since it's an early upgrade.


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Feb 24, 2011
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Yeah it's no problem. Like, 1jaxstate1 said though, you can find a Samsung Focus for only $150 on craigslist or eBay used; forgot about that option. So if you want a new phone go for the $0.01 cent deal you cannot beat that, but don't pay more than $150, especially if you're extending your contract for two years.

I'm with Verizon and the only phone available on their service is the Trophy, which is a great device, but there is no pre-owned market to get one for cheap off contract yet. Had to pay $150 since it's an early upgrade.

Yeah..he's with Sprint. So his only choice is the Arrive. Amazon has it for $99 with a new line of service. Sprint went as low as $150..he's going to see if they'll let him get one for $99 ..price match Amazon.

I been searching craigslist non stop and it's no Arrive's on sale in my area...

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