Where Can I Buy Nokia BV-T5A (Original) for my Lumia 730?


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Apr 29, 2016
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I have been using Nokia Lumia 730 for nearly three years and as expected the battery has deteriorated. It lasts for about 10 to 12 hours with Wi-Fi on. I have contacted the nearest Microsoft Care and they said they cannot provide spare parts like batteries and advised me to look for counterfeit batteries on e-commerce websites. I bought one from EBay which said original but it was a dud as it took nearly 5 hours to charge and it got stuck at 77%. I then contacted B2X who are the official support for Lumia devices in India and they informed me that factories have stopped production since March 2017 and they do not have any batteries. They also advised me to go for e-commerce websites.

I want to know if anyone has bought a replacement battery for their Lumia 730 that works. If you have please give the review and send me the product link. I want to run my Lumia 730 for a couple of more years (at least until Microsoft ends support for Windows 10 Mobile). Please help me out.

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