Where exactly are they going with this?


New member
Jul 29, 2013
Am I the only person who thinks the PC operating system should mimic the phone's design and structure rather than the other way around? I'm afraid Microsoft is going to turn Windows Phone into a line of miniature Surface phones.
Am I the only person who thinks the PC operating system should mimic the phone's design and structure rather than the other way around? I'm afraid Microsoft is going to turn Windows Phone into a line of miniature Surface phones.
Why would the least functional device in a comps.ies software lineup, drive the more capable.amd feature rich devices?
Why would the least functional device in a comps.ies software lineup, drive the more capable.amd feature rich devices?

Because Windows Phone hooked the people it did based on a specific design language and structure that the Surface just does not have. After experimenting a little with the Surface as well as my mother's new Windows 8 laptop, I just don't understand how Microsoft could make such a beautiful mobile OS and such a clunky tablet/PC OS that are supposed to be sisters.

I dread the day Windows Phone mimics the Surface's look and feel.

I have a Surface Pro 3 and Nokia 1520... To me the operating systems on either device aren't a million miles away from each other. If you can use 1 you can use the other. Not sure what you're getting at really.
I find that the design and structure of Windows Phone's UI is vastly different to the Windows 8 set-up. At least from my perspective. They look like cousins, but they function of different planes. It doesn't feel cohesive, and I think they did a much better job with their phones. The fluidity of Metro, the beautiful animations, the color palette, the system's language, and the way everything is where it supposed to be. Given the major backlash Microsoft got when Windows 8 was first released, I don't think I was the only person to have that opinion. I'm really hoping they don't start to mimic the way the Surface works.

I've been a tech-nut my whole life, work in Linux, have computers running OSX, previously had Android, used to experiment with Rockbox MP3 player firmware and all that greatness. I'm certainly not tech-illiterate. I just don't find Windows 8 all that intuitive or fun to use. It was that beautiful Metro charm that brought me over to Windows Phone in the first place, as well as its snappy response time and ease of use. All of those things represent WP; and they represent the opposite Windows 8 OS.
windows phone 8.1 has great UI, but needs some polish, but windows 8.1 has the worst UI. specially the mix of metro and traditional desktop, and they thought people would love those full screen apps ON PC!!!! and those big clunky fonts and wasted spaces on a desktop app really makes it useful!!!! right! and why would anyone need a tablet app on a PC!!! the store is worst.

And yet MS is like :"why do people hate windows 8.1?? it is such a wonderful tablet os?? why", And since their ignorance backfired at them, they are now listening to their customers.

Don't worry MS is not gonna change anything major in their mobile os, but they are changing their PC OS to make it suitable for PC users.
Looking at some minor changes to Windows 10 and the features added to windows phone 8.1 lately, i think they will keep the best of both

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