BTW: Your camera should have come with the Nikon software DVDs, didn't it?Capture NX-D is a non-destructive RAW image processing application that utilizes a new sidecar system to save adjustments for Nikon photographers looking to make adjustments to their .NEF or .NRW files. Photographers who are used to working with their .NEF or .NRW files in Nikon Capture NX2 or Nikon View NX2 will find the new Capture NX-D quicker in its processing time and intuitive to use. Once the .NEF or .NRW file is processed, it can then be moved to other imaging applications in a 16-bit TIFF format with a single click of the mouse. Capture NX-D is designed to get the most out of Nikon RAW image files—so images will look as great as they do whether they're from the latest Nikon cameras or older files that you want to work on again