Where is Microsoft going wrong


New member
Aug 16, 2011
First of all let me start by saying that I love my windows phone 7. It?s somehow interesting going with a fledgling OS, to see it develop into a beautiful masterpiece and It feels you are involved with the development process.

With the upcoming Mango release it will almost be certain to put the OS on another level. We will see two big updates this year and Microsoft seem to be very serious about developing this OS.

What set?s this OS apart from other phones is firstly the live tiles, they are amazing. I am running a HTC HD7 with the larger screen which compliments this OS like no other phone.

My partner has the I Phone 4, and IOS to me seems very boring when comparing them, though I can?t take it away from Apple, they do what they do and it works.

Sent using my HTC HD7

So where do I feel Microsoft are going wrong:-


Have you ever seen an Advert on TV for the WP7, I Haven?t but I see I phone all this time, there adds are simple but effective. People have to know it?s there to buy it. Microsoft spent millions on development but then they don?t seem to spend that much on advertising the product. I feel the I Phone is more of a fashion accessory which is down to marketing, simple!


Ok so you can?t really customize an I Phone that much, but a windows phone it?s even less. You only have a few themes, rubbish ring-tones and like the I Phone you cannot use it as a USB device, WHY?? This is the single main reason phone shops recommend Android because you pretty much do anything with them, and this is what Microsoft has to understand. As the live tiles look great, you would perhaps not choose to change them, you would not want to make the tiles smaller for example because you would not be able to read the notifications, but I would really like to be able to change the standard live tiles i.e., MMS, Phone, Explorer and email to a tile with more animation, I mean these tiles are simply boring with flat colors. I understand that Mango will allow you to have custom ring-tones, which is a big step in the right direction. You have to remember everybody wants to customize there phone, especially people who work in the phone industry. Perhaps Microsoft should employ a company to investigate why phone sales assistants do not recommend WP7, then, they would know where they are going wrong. Theses are the people who sell the OS to the public after all.


I really don?t see the fascination in some of the games in XBOX, I mean most of them are simple and rubbish, why cant there be more games like Assassin's Creed, Need for Speed etc, instead we have doodle jump. There is no ability to play multiplayer via wifi like the I phone has either. I may be wrong here because I am not much of a gamer!


Okay so Windows Phone 7 has not been out that long and the app list is growing. I find allot of the apps are rubbish and don?t work like they should, you can find this yourself if you read the reviews. There should be a quality control checks to see if some apps are worth putting on the Market Place to start with. Of course I am aware that with all OS apps, there are good and bad ones, but there seem to be more bad ones with WP7; these days it all about the apps. We could do with more high street shops, banks and other major companies releasing apps for the Market place, this would push WP7 up the pecking order.

It sounds like I hate my phone, but I don?t, I think it?s fantastic and let?s be far, the OS has been out for a very short period and already it is kicking butt with the big guns. Anyone reading this who is thinking about changing or getting a WP7, please do, you won?t be disappointed. I can?t wait to see what Mango brings to the party, the integration of Twitter, live messenger and facebook chat is massive, oh and Skype eventually. The Bing search with voice commands with the scout. Multi tasking, which has been done really well, it adds a different dimension to the phone. They say Mango has 500 features, I can?t wait to see what they are, and I will be playing with my phone for weeks. Lets hope we can eventually personalize our phones, come on Microsoft, don?t shoot yourselves in the foot for basic reasons.
i'm so sick and tired of these kind of posts with genious ideas for big companies telling them what (not) to do. nobody cares about these rants, so unless you have something valuable to share, keep it to yourself
i love on how all these post titles are* how MS went wrong , or how MS sucks , or MS sucks this
** and the person always starts with

* let me start by saying i love WP7* ...lol contradiction much?...

1. i see adds on TV , its limited to some countries doh but MS is working on Expending its marketing next Quarter,.

2. well u can customize more then Iphone NO QUESTION there. iphone = ZERO and Android = full out customization ... chose your weapon.... i personally dont need the 3 screens and random Widgets all over the place like on the Android.

3. the USB thing , im assuming you mean Teetering? well you can do it with the HTC + SAmsung . they have a *hack* that allows you to do it . the phones support it but the OS doesnt .. YET!

4. Live titles are gona be ALLOT more interactive after mango , read up on it:

5. not every budy wants to add CRAZY customization to there phones , allot less people then you think honestly or every one would have Android. I work for bell and im UUUGE techky when it comes to cell. and i dont need custom un-organized widgets , i rather a CLEAN Organized METRO UI

6. The games: the OS is still new first off , second MS is working on a CRAZY multiplayer system that we should see some time next year. more games ARE coming , be patient. + Kinect integration in the WP ,.. EPIC!

7. i agree with some of the apps not being VERY stable , but you should of seen it 4 months ago all the apps where shiity , lol ... its getting much better , also MANGO Updates for apps will help allot. allot of the reviews are also CRAP. so try before you buy or read the crap reviews. better apps ARE coming ,

as for banks to make apps , that 100% up to them , WP market is still small so not ALL the Potential DEV have start developing for WP yet!! but its gona be getting bigger and bigger.

All in All the WP OS is like a 5 year old KID compare to Iphone and Android witch are WELL into their TEENS!!!
I've seen a few adverts, but not many. And to be honest, they were a bit corporate. They should focus more on the OS, as that's what sets WP7 apart - it's different but by design (i.e. not different for the sake of it).

I do agree more customisation would be nice. I'd love to have the option to have a background image behind the tiles and make them slightly translucent (as seen in some mock-ups), and also custom ringtones are really a must. Currently you can't do as much as you can with a stock iPhone, and a jailbroken iPhone is on par with Android. There are some stunning lockscreens for iOS.

Games is one area there really does need to be a push, but I'm hoping once mango is out that'll help a great deal.
As for pikacz comments, if you can't discuss things here whats the point in having a forum. Stay off my thread and dont read it, nobody forced you.

Se1fcr3ation comments. I love it how people start threads?? I am new to these forums, you shoot me down in flames my first go! MS have spend allot of money on the OS and I want to see do well, I am aware that they will be spending more on advertising as I read wp news etc on my mobile. I assume apple would not release there new iphone 5 and start advertising it a year after it was launched. This area (advertising) has been discussed in many podcasts and threads, with executive from Microsoft and they agreed.

I also disagree that you can personalise a wp7 phone than an iphone.

The "USB thing" was using it as a storage device like you can with Android and Blackberry.

The live tiles are going to be interesting yes but the main tiles have just slightly changed they are still flat boring colors.

I agree not everybody wants to change there phone but if it was put to a vote, I would assume people would rather the option, more people means more phones being sold. I spend allot of time visiting mobile shops, talking to carriers about what OS to have before I bought my WP7, not one recommended wp7, main reason, you cant customise it. I did say you would not want to change it much as the live tiles look good, I did not mention CRAZY customisation.

With regard to the apps, some are not just unstable, they dont work, not fit for purpose, so whats the point in putting them on. Its like selling mobile phones that cant make or receive phone calls. Mango is being BETA tested why are the apps not?

I suppose all you wp7 users have no concerns or issues with your OS.
People are happy with their iPhone, Android, WebOS, BlackBerry device and are not willing to switch. Nothing MS can do.

Sent from my Samsung Focus using Board Express
i wasn’t shooting you down , you say in your title *Where MS is going wrong * but then say you LOVE wp7! lol . i was just making fun of it , MS is obviously not going wrong if you like it ;) lol relax buddy.

MS is waiting for Mango before they push out more adds , as for the Iphone 5 coming in about 1 month ( give or take ) have you seen adds for it? it still a rumor.. lol . and apple doesn’t need to advertise Iphone , haff the douche bags of the world sport them . lol that all the adds you need.

As for the Iphone having more customization then wp7?? how so? you can move your endless icons around? and make a folder? ... how is that customizable.

The USB thing for a storage? lol yeah MS evolved , they use what we called CLOUD service now ... store and stream, from any where in the world... USb storage is stone age.

Store reps don’t know ****(most of them ). they talk out of there ars, and most of them only have personal experience from the phone they use. i use to work in a store and reps suck.. lol . now im an account manager for Business clients , and reps still dont know **** at this level . to give you an idea , im the ONLY one on my team that’s spends time on cell phones sites. Non one else ever does . all they know is what I tell them. Im like the Smartphone master here lol ( sad really cause im no GENIUS )

As for Bad apps ,, stop Downloading free apps . lol . and witch apps did you try that are SOOO SHIITY! ? id like to know. all that apps i have work perfectly.

Android = not stable , only OS with malware. 3 marketplace cause the OS is saturated ect... just does NEGITIVE things a outweigh its value.

and maybe im unique when it comes to this but: I Have NOTHING bad to say about WP7 i am 120% satisfied!
People are happy with their iPhone, Android, WebOS, BlackBerry device and are not willing to switch. Nothing MS can do.

Sent from my Samsung Focus using Board Express

In the case of the iPhone, most people don't buy them because they are in love with iOS, they buy it because Apple has turned the iPhone into a statement of class. A lot of people have the impression that its the only phone worth owning, and they buy it because they see so many out and about and don't feel like being left out.
Have to take exception!

I've seen a few adverts, but not many. And to be honest, they were a bit corporate. They should focus more on the OS, as that's what sets WP7 apart - it's different but by design (i.e. not different for the sake of it).

I do agree more customisation would be nice. I'd love to have the option to have a background image behind the tiles and make them slightly translucent (as seen in some mock-ups), and also custom ringtones are really a must. Currently you can't do as much as you can with a stock iPhone, and a jailbroken iPhone is on par with Android. There are some stunning lockscreens for iOS.

Games is one area there really does need to be a push, but I'm hoping once mango is out that'll help a great deal.


I agree, the ads are sparse. They will come full bore when Mango hits the streets. Games, for those that bought this OS for games, will get better, I'm sure.

I ask you, how many ways do you want a phone to ring. I just want to hear it and be able to answer. I'm not into impressing the people around me with "Who let the dogs out" or some such fodder. If you want to customize your phone to look like a Droid or iPhone, why in the world didn't you buy one of those phones.

I now step down from my soapbox.:lol:
Advertising. They really need to step that up. I played with a windows phone at the store and it really is quite impressive. I wouldn't wait for the official launch of mango but rather they should have been advertising all along.

As I read reviews from users for windows phone 7 a common theme is they are overwhelmingly positive, even for the current version. It would have been good to advertise more all along, get more users on board and maybe even have more apps now when going into mango.
I have seen plenty of advertising; WP has been in TV shows, there were those "really?" commercials, the skydiving commercial about the camera button, and more. This was all early on around launch. It's toned down a lot now and, in fact, I'd consider it a waste of money for them to advertise right now. The advertising should resume around Mango when the phone becomes more on par with the competition and more devices come.

Ok so you can?t really customize an I Phone that much, but a windows phone it?s even less. You only have a few themes, rubbish ring-tones and like the I Phone you cannot use it as a USB device, WHY??
Besides ringtones and background image, what else can you customize on the iPhone? I'm pretty sure that's it... Also, I used to think the USB storage thing was something, too, but then someone pointed out that you need a USB cable to use such a feature. If you can lug around a USB cable, you can lug around a USB flash drive or a microSD card inside a little USB adapter.

This is the single main reason phone shops recommend Android because you pretty much do anything with them, and this is what Microsoft has to understand... You have to remember everybody wants to customize there phone, especially people who work in the phone industry.
Microsoft already tried all that and it failed. Windows Mobile was highly customizable, you could use it as a USB storage device, etc., etc., etc. It was clunky though, just like Android is. I honestly don't care for too much customization and I'm pretty sure a lot of people feel the same. I've said it before, I think many people who were talked into buying Android would have been much happier with WP, the simpler, less convoluted OS would fit them much better.

I really don?t see the fascination in some of the games in XBOX, I mean most of them are simple and rubbish, why cant there be more games like Assassin's Creed, Need for Speed etc, instead we have doodle jump. There is no ability to play multiplayer via wifi like the I phone has either. I may be wrong here because I am not much of a gamer!
Games don't come out of thin air. Any quality games, even phone games, take time to develop. Besides that, many developers may need the functionality that's coming in Mango for more types of games (in addition to a bigger user base).

I find allot of the apps are rubbish and don?t work like they should, you can find this yourself if you read the reviews.
User reviews require lots of grains of salt. There were a few times where I've seen users give bad reviews on good or okay apps because they're trolling or just unintelligent enough to use things correctly. There are a lot of stupid people in the world (just look at how many Apple and Google trolls there are)... Also, again, many developers need the functionality in Mango for more apps.

So, basically, I disagree with you; MS is on the correct path and they need to not be making a hot mess like Android.
As for pikacz comments, if you can't discuss things here whats the point in having a forum. Stay off my thread and dont read it, nobody forced you.

Nobody is obligated to give your rant the special treatment. And know that you're only beating a dead horse with this post since things like apps, games, and customization have been discussed since day one. It would of made more sense to post your rant in one of the other available threads. Furthermore, anytime you make a forum post be prepared to receive negative criticism and opposition.
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Well I currently use a HTC Trophy,

Well Microsoft only has two problems with Windows Phone 7, they are too slow with releasing the software upgrades and they lack decent WP7 hardware. All the current Windows Phones are stuck in 2007, no front facing camera, no 4G, and no dual-core/quad-core hardware. WP7 has nothing that makes it stand out over android or iOS accept the Mango up date and that is not even enough. Really Bad part is MS has no upcoming hardware that would make consumers get excited about WP7, they is nothing exciting hardware wise coming for WP7 except maybe the Nokia SeaRay but it will be a long time before that hit the U.S.
Mango has it own problems and like horrible bing maps program with no streetside or streetview, Google has a much better product when it comes to mapping and navigation.

My problem is that when MS released WP7, it released everything half-azzed, that since they are so late to the market with WP7 they cannot afford to released half-azzed products. Mango should have been on all WP7s from the jump, MS should have released nice hardware with frontfacing cameras, 4G LTE, and dual-core/Quad-core way before Android did.
MS should have came out swinging hard with WP7.

i have a feeling that MS will eventually become a premier mobile app developer for iOS, bringing MS Office 365, Xbox Live, Skydrive and extensive bing mapping program all to iOS.
I think MS may have mis-stepped with WP7 and the mis-step may have been fatal.
Well I currently use a HTC Trophy,

Well Microsoft only has two problems with Windows Phone 7, they are too slow with releasing the software upgrades and they lack decent WP7 hardware. All the current Windows Phones are stuck in 2007, no front facing camera, no 4G, and no dual-core/quad-core hardware. WP7 has nothing that makes it stand out over android or iOS accept the Mango up date and that is not even enough. Really Bad part is MS has no upcoming hardware that would make consumers get excited about WP7, they is nothing exciting hardware wise coming for WP7 except maybe the Nokia SeaRay but it will be a long time before that hit the U.S.
Mango has it own problems and like horrible bing maps program with no streetside or streetview, Google has a much better product when it comes to mapping and navigation.

My problem is that when MS released WP7, it released everything half-azzed, that since they are so late to the market with WP7 they cannot afford to released half-azzed products. Mango should have been on all WP7s from the jump, MS should have released nice hardware with frontfacing cameras, 4G LTE, and dual-core/Quad-core way before Android did.
MS should have came out swinging hard with WP7.

i have a feeling that MS will eventually become a premier mobile app developer for iOS, bringing MS Office 365, Xbox Live, Skydrive and extensive bing mapping program all to iOS.
I think MS may have mis-stepped with WP7 and the mis-step may have been fatal.

this reply might hurt.... cause it hurts to see a WP user say does thing...

1. to slow for updates? they are right on PAR with Ios and Android updates .. one major update a year , and 2 or 3 minor once .. exactly what they all do. i phone only comes out with big update wen they come out with new phones..... once a year.. MAX!!!

2. as for the hardware , i guess its true BUT you dont need better hardware duel core is useless 99.99% off apps dont even support it , its 100% marketing ... so why have duel core and charge you an extra 100$ for the phone..... 4G is Just starting to come out ( real 4 G) not the 3g they they all claim is 4g.. like here at bell we claim 4G ,,, but its really 3G... HSPA is not 4g ... LTE is.. AND ..LTS is like 0.0001% of the world coverage... one city has it in Canada... freaking useless.

3. no interesting HW coming??? im gona go easy on you cause your new.... read more... Kinect integration!! + front facing is coming + water proof phone + better cameras + + + + + ( all of which are gimmicks ) and most people dont care.

4. all the Phones get released haff backed... Iphone , android .. you think they came with all that?? helll nooooooooo. + pre-mango is still better.

5. and you thinking MS will become prime DEVs for IOS or apple in general , maan .. lol . MS would close up shop before that happened... its like saying COKE is gona start making drinks for pepsi.. LMAO!!!

6. and the OS is growing in shares and sells... so its far from fatal! if anything its just gona grow and grow

Well if its suuuch a BAD OS!! They sure as **** suckered you into getting one!! HAHAHA just which more people like you got suckered into getting a WP , and i say suckered cause from what i see your CLEARLY dont like your phone...
*Points at the apple store --->* its that way
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No one I know has bought an iPhone due to some type of "class statement" most started off with iPod Touches and loved it. And moved on from there to the iPhone because they didn't want to carry two device. WP7 fan or not, iOS is a great OS.
In the case of the iPhone, most people don't buy them because they are in love with iOS, they buy it because Apple has turned the iPhone into a statement of class. A lot of people have the impression that its the only phone worth owning, and they buy it because they see so many out and about and don't feel like being left out.
this reply might hurt.... cause it hurts to see a WP user say does thing...

1. to slow for updates? they are right on PAR with Ios and Android updates .. one major update a year , and 2 or 3 minor once .. exactly what they all do. i phone only comes out with big update wen they come out with new phones..... once a year.. MAX!!!

2. as for the hardware , i guess its true BUT you dont need better hardware duel core is useless 99.99% off apps dont even support it , its 100% marketing ... so why have duel core and charge you an extra 100$ for the phone..... 4G is Just starting to come out ( real 4 G) not the 3g they they all claim is 4g.. like here at bell we claim 4G ,,, but its really 3G... HSPA is not 4g ... LTE is.. AND ..LTS is like 0.0001% of the world coverage... one city has it in Canada... freaking useless.

3. no interesting HW coming??? im gona go easy on you cause your new.... read more... Kinect integration!! + front facing is coming + water proof phone + better cameras + + + + + ( all of which are gimmicks ) and most people dont care.

4. all the Phones get released haff backed... Iphone , android .. you think they came with all that?? helll nooooooooo. + pre-mango is still better.

5. and you thinking MS will become prime DEVs for IOS or apple in general , maan .. lol . MS would close up shop before that happened... its like saying COKE is gona start making drinks for pepsi.. LMAO!!!

6. and the OS is growing in shares and sells... so its far from fatal! if anything its just gona grow and grow

Well if its suuuch a BAD OS!! They sure as **** suckered you into getting one!! HAHAHA just which more people like you got suckered into getting a WP , and i say suckered cause from what i see your CLEARLY dont like your phone...
*Points at the apple store --->* its that way

Look when you are playing from behind, you have to come out swinging hard, you have to be the best and MS is half-azzing WP7 right now.
I get that you are a die-hard wp7 but as the saying goes:
"Men lie, Women lie, numbers don't" and so far the general public is not impressed by windows phone 7.
Whether dual-core and LTE are gimmicks or not, it's what the public wants and MS is not delivering what the public wants. And the WP7 market share numbers reflect that.
this reply might hurt.... cause it hurts to see a WP user say does thing...

1. to slow for updates? they are right on PAR with Ios and Android updates .. one major update a year , and 2 or 3 minor once .. exactly what they all do. i phone only comes out with big update wen they come out with new phones..... once a year.. MAX!!!

2. as for the hardware , i guess its true BUT you dont need better hardware duel core is useless 99.99% off apps dont even support it , its 100% marketing ... so why have duel core and charge you an extra 100$ for the phone..... 4G is Just starting to come out ( real 4 G) not the 3g they they all claim is 4g.. like here at bell we claim 4G ,,, but its really 3G... HSPA is not 4g ... LTE is.. AND ..LTS is like 0.0001% of the world coverage... one city has it in Canada... freaking useless.

3. no interesting HW coming??? im gona go easy on you cause your new.... read more... Kinect integration!! + front facing is coming + water proof phone + better cameras + + + + + ( all of which are gimmicks ) and most people dont care.

4. all the Phones get released haff backed... Iphone , android .. you think they came with all that?? helll nooooooooo. + pre-mango is still better.

5. and you thinking MS will become prime DEVs for IOS or apple in general , maan .. lol . MS would close up shop before that happened... its like saying COKE is gona start making drinks for pepsi.. LMAO!!!

6. and the OS is growing in shares and sells... so its far from fatal! if anything its just gona grow and grow

Well if its suuuch a BAD OS!! They sure as **** suckered you into getting one!! HAHAHA just which more people like you got suckered into getting a WP , and i say suckered cause from what i see your CLEARLY dont like your phone...
*Points at the apple store --->* its that way

Hate to say it but I have to agree with you on all points. 4G is about maybe 20% if not less of coverage in the states. Dual-cores an Quad-cores are just a selling point but not needed. Your Start Screen is basically a customizable screen Where you put what you want on there. compared to ios where its either folders of your stuff or all your apps on different pages. The only thing and I mean ONLY thing ios has to customize is the background and ringtones. I mean seriously? Front facing camera's are coming plus when they integrate skype into the os you will be in love with the feature. Skype with a friend from your phone on his phone, xbox, or pc. I mean really how cool is that gonna be. The hardware argument is getting old. Really old. The only thing hardware wise we should have is Front-facing camera's and better camera's in general. Yes dual core cpu's would be nice but its not necessary. Now a nice gpu would be nice for games. But really the only thing that is a must in the next gen phones is ffc and 4g. Cpu upgrades are a given but I wouldn't be suprised not to see dual-core ones.
Look when you are playing from behind, you have to come out swinging hard, you have to be the best and MS is half-azzing WP7 right now.
I get that you are a die-hard wp7 but as the saying goes:
"Men lie, Women lie, numbers don't" and so far the general public is not impressed by windows phone 7.
Whether dual-core and LTE are gimmicks or not, it's what the public wants and MS is not delivering what the public wants. And the WP7 market share numbers reflect that.

so if MS is not delivering what the market wants .. how come sells are growing? you say numbers don’t lie... boom.... your right....

and if the market doesn’t want a WP ... then why are they buying them?? why did you buy one? ...

seriously .. i see ALLOT of new people on this forun in the last couple weeks . most of them just got a WP and all they do is complain... if you don’t like it return it , you have 15 dayz and then cancel your wpcentral account…… . get an Iphone . and go to the Iphone central . they normally do the same thing you newbie’s do. ( and i say that to all them haters ) i dont like Pepsi ,,, so i int buying one.. lol

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