Dear Support,
There are a lot of very exasperated subscribers to your service on windows phone 8.1
We do not get your app for free, unlike viber, line and skype. Yet you cripple our experience and treat us like illegal immigrants on your service (2nd class citizens).
Whatsapp is critical for my connection with my old pen friend in Germany. I am grateful for your service. But the lack of whatsapp call is a cause for concern. The other services I mentioned all have a call feature. Viber even allows you to throw your call between their desktop/ Windows app and your phone backwards and forwards. I know we lack the video feature atm, but you lack even the calls.
My mother (68 years old) is not very technologically minded and uses just the bare minimum on her android phone. But she has whatsapp calm and thought I was ignoring her by not taking her calls. She did not receive a message to let her know that her daughter's service was telephonically impaired and that I would NEVER be able to answer her with my current firmware. She could not understand that I did not have such a basic feature that she uses daily. In the end she reluctantly called me through Viber and actually managed to connect with me audibly.
With the new SDKs from windows and the ability to port your apps from Crapzoid and IdiotOS directly to Windows 10, I hope that this kind of demonising of your clientele on the superior Windows platform will be at an end. In the interim please bring the call feature to our service and prove that you are not racially prejudiced against the Windows race after all.
I write this email with the kindest of intentions and some humour in the attempt that you will realise that Windows Phone users don't have two heads and a tail. We are human too.
Kind regards,