Which color will/would you choose?

Thanks everyone! So I don't want to read too much into a sample of 83 votes on a site dedicated to WP and within that on a forum dedicated to the 930... we may be more adventureous, than the average consumer. But the results - while fairly evenly split - show a clear preference for the colored versions.

However it is weired how hard it is to get a color variant in my country (Hungary). The big carriers here only offer balck or black & white, the major retail stores like Media Markt or Edigital only stock those 2 colors too... you can only find green and orange at smaller, shady phone stores. These import directly from Western Europe and Asia, going around Nokia/MS Hungary and usually the warranty can only be validated at their store (if they still exist next week...). It's almost as if the "official" players were worried people are so conservative color won't sell.

So I have to wait a bit longer to see if any of the big ones will carry orange or if I have to take my chances with those shady stores.
I got the Orange, and it's erm... very Orange - Day-glo orange - and like the green comparison above, it's more orange than that! lol

Still funky, not sure if it's too much for me, but I'll see how I get on!

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