Which style of Windows Phone is your favorite

Honestly, why are we answering this question?

I think I'll post a couple shirts im thinking about wearing. . .
3, 2, 1, that's the order I like the designs. The original is still the best IMO as long as I populate it with interesting live tile apps. The second one is ok, but the third is too busy and distracting.

Honestly, why are we answering this question?

I think I'll post a couple shirts im thinking about wearing. . .

It's fun to discover and discuss opinions. You don't care for it? You don't need to be in the thread.
They can do whatever the hell they want, as long as I still have the third option :)
personally n1, n2 looks to distracting [depending on the image ofc] and n3 is the golden olden which i will continue to use when wp8.1 launches from time to time
I like the third one too, but it would be nice if you could pick the color of the text or logo on the tiles (i.e white or black, or even any of the background colors other than the one you are using for tile colors). That's really all I would want, no need for a photo background.
I like the third one too, but it would be nice if you could pick the color of the text or logo on the tiles (i.e white or black, or even any of the background colors other than the one you are using for tile colors). That's really all I would want, no need for a photo background.
or an option to change the color individual tiles, I had a tthread about this once.
Would be nice just to tap and hold and instead of just the delete and change tile size button there is a color option (a bucket as icon for ex) after you are presented with the familiar accent color list


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I think the bigger issue is that we, the end user, should have the ability to choose. Everyone is going to want something different.
i think its gonna happen as the 1st one.
this is what's there in win 8.1; i think same would be carried here.
They can do whatever the hell they want, as long as I still have the third option :)

Indeed - I prefer the simplicity. I'm sure they'll keep this option.

However, if option 2 allows me to use a cobalt wallpaper to make the green music+videos tile cobalt - like my accent color, I'd love them to implement option two. But I'm afraid, thinking back to the article on TheVerge, it does not... Then I hope the tile can be always ''live''...
I like the first one, the second one I'm not sure how Well it would work. Text might become obscure. I'd also like #1 if you can adjust the opacity.
I'll stick with the third. Simplicity is why I got into WP. Though the first style would look cool with a black and white architectural abstract.

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