I'm waiting, but depending on what is shown tomorrow with ICS I will probably dump my Arrive and go back to my Nexus S 4G when it becomes available. I'm looking for two things:
1. Fully hardware accelerated UI in Ice Cream (the biggest reason I left Android, on top of fragmentation)
2. Better battery life
If these two things are highlighted/shown I will switch my line from my Arrive back to my Nexus (when the update is available). It will be hard because I like Windows Phone so much (being able to use hands-free in the car is my favorite feature because it is smoother and easier to use than Android), but Microsoft's lack of attention to Windows Phone is making me feel like the old days with my Pre.
Yes, right now is the wrong time to try and hype Windows Phone (maybe?) because of iPhone 4s hype and ICS and Nexus Prime hype. However, it still doesn't stop them from doing the small things to improve Windows Phone in the meantime, such as updating their own apps (really just ports....such as Angry Birds for background running and 60 FPS or Fruit Ninja for background running and 60 FPS). The fact that they haven't even updated THEIR OWN APPS (let alone they probably haven't even pushed for other developers to update their apps to Mango) makes me feel uncertain about the platform. Heck, with all the money they have they could simply contact all the developers for say like the top 100 apps in the marketplace and promote them to update them to include like what...3 or 4 lines of Mango code for a sum of money. Just the fact that they're sitting "satisfied" after releasing Mango kinda ticks me off...
It just feels like Windows Phone is a pet project for them to see if they can compete in the mobile wars. If they lose it'll be like "meh...we tried" and they'll move on with their other projects and the integration they're preparing for between XBox, Windows 8, etc...