Trying to get a feel for what people switched to, and what your experience has been like, around:
- Call Quality
- Wifi reception
- Bandwidth speeds
I only have a few days left before I have to decide to keep my Titan or return it.
Trying to get a feel for what people switched to, and what your experience has been like, around:
- Call Quality
- Wifi reception
- Bandwidth speeds
I only have a few days left before I have to decide to keep my Titan or return it.
Trying to get a feel for what people switched to, and what your experience has been like, around:
- Call Quality
- Wifi reception
- Bandwidth speeds
I only have a few days left before I have to decide to keep my Titan or return it.
Call quality: Slightly improved with a new SIM but still poor. Fortunately no one has complained but when asked they say I sound muffled.
Wifi reception: Worries me the most. Sometimes I'm in the basement and I need wifi to communicate with the rest of the staff because my "4G" doesn't reach down there. Being close to the router and not establishing a connection is frustrating.
Bandwidth speeds: Not great but I'm not blaming HTC. I've gotten 4Mbps down but only in the dead of night. AT&T's network is just subpar (granted that depends where you live).
Audio pops: Not as bad with SRS off. Sometimes I don't notice but others it catches me off guard and I flinch a little. Sucks when that happens. Hoping to get some new headphones this Christmas and maybe that will make a difference.
I'm torn because all the issues combined can make for an annoying user experience. However, there are times when I pick up the phone and fall in love all over again. It's such a beautiful device.
I could take it back and wait until CES, but that's $200 bucks for "maybe" a minor improvement. What I would like to do is keep my Titan because I really want to buy my girl a Lumia 800 *if* it comes to AT&T (my Focus will become a backup phone).
My SIM change and a few people telling me I sound better has eased A LOT of my fears. Having one "solved" issue makes dealing with the other two minor ones easier to swallow.
Yeah I thought I was going to have to get a 3rd device because I couldn't get this one I am currently using to stop rebooting itself every few hours but last night I did a reset on it and now it's uptime is at 16 hours which is way longer than any of them had gone before. It sucks though because as far as the replacements go I think it is just a luck thing because when I went to an ATT store a couple days ago their titan wouldn't even boot it was stuck in boot loop. You could always do like I did and go get a focus s on a new contract and use it for a few days and see what you want to do then return it if you don't like it all you will have to pay is a $35 restocking fee which for me was worth making sure I was making sure I was getting stuck in a contract with the right phone. For me that is what made it very clear what I was going to do.I've been trying to get a replacement device from a store for little over one week now. One store had two in but by the time I got off work they were gone. I might have to break down and have them order a replacement. I just hate ordering replacements without knowing before hand if the new device is problem free. I know Rocket Girl has already used 3 different handsets, and I've tried two demo units to see how to they compare to mines, but they all had the same problems.
-The smaller size will be an adjustment, but shouldn't take too long.
-The Focus S doesn't have the cool "panorama" setting in the camera like the Titan, but that isn't a deal breaker for me...
load up Samsung's Photo Studio and you can select panorama shot from there. not as integrated as HTC but servicable
Trying to get a feel for what people switched to, and what your experience has been like, around:
- Call Quality
- Wifi reception
- Bandwidth speeds
I only have a few days left before I have to decide to keep my Titan or return it.