Using an Elite X3. It froze and died this week. Huge disaster, I use it for home and work via dual-sim and rely on it for data on work commute. I ordered a dual-sim Sony Xperia from amazon next-day, as backup whilst I attempted to contact HP. Online insisted on a serial number, but phone was dead. It took me 3 hours of finding a UK helpline, kept on-hold, passed from department to department. Finally, when I got the right dept, to cut long story short they shipped an advance replacement.
Now next day, the Xperia turned up, so desperate to check for text and vms for last 24Hrs, put the sis in, etc. For the next 3hrs it was an absolute nightmare, making a simple call seemed to take more clumsy button presses, poking at tiny buttons to do anything, I couldn't find how to check voicemail, and every time it bleeped at me, I could never work out why, just rows of tiny alert icons swipe down and was buried in alerts and messages, having to scroll. The phone itself was nice, reminded me of the classic Lumia 920 though not as weighty, but how Android has been so embraced versus the simplicity and usability of Windows mobile, will always suck. I mean rows of tiny static icons are so unuseful.
Thankfully the replacement X3 arrived 3 hours later and sanity was restored. I do appreciate that android can be no doubt configured better than the defaults I used, but from having an inkling that I might switch to android as soon as a phone I really liked was released this year, thus limited experience convinces me I will hold on as long as I can.