It's fun and funny to see this old thread revived, reading what I used and did 2.5 years ago. Well, my 10-songs-included deal was finally retired last month, and I've been transitioned to an annual Groove Music Pass. MSFT refunded 7 months that were left on my great plan, and gave me a free 3 months of Groove. I DO still use my 32 and 64HDs, plus, for the 2-year interim and continuing, a Zune 80. The 32 has only some owned music and Audible books on it, and I mostly ignore it. The 64 can not-quite accommodate my now mature Collection, but I do still use it almost daily. The 80 is actually my favorite because it can take it all, and because I find the controls actually easiest to operate even though it isn't touch. This is especially appreciated on the road; it has been my favorite car-travel device for a couple of years. I just barely touch the directional pad and I can see what is playing.
I've been using a Lumia 1020 for a couple of years, with its inadequate 32gb limit; that is the main reason I traveled with the 80 connected. I now have the 950 which gives me back the expandability and replaceable battery of my old Focus, and this will probably be my main travel device now. The 80, otherwise, has been almost permanently connected to my Nakamichi stereo system in the living room-with its own cable charger- since I got it 2 years ago. It is, by far, the most common way I use my Nak.
I am also happy to report that, although I can no longer stream music through Zune desktop -as of this month, I can still download music, and most importantly, Zune does still sync my 64 and 80 players, including still renewing the DRM on all my downloaded Pass music -that is as of a couple of days ago. I'm sure that being a Groove subscriber now has everything to do with that.
Enjoy the music, regardless; but especially on your Zunes!