Why are apps so poor quality?


New member
Jan 19, 2013
People always talk about the app gap on Windows phone, for me there is no app gap, its got 99% of the apps I need, the problem is they are rubbish quality and some just plain don?t work.
I am not one for filling my phone with endless apps, I just install exactly what I need, and for me these are.

Instagram ? Has a major annoyance for me in that it leaves massive gaps in the timeline, I have a small data allowance so only turn data on when needed but doing this on Windows phone leaves a gap from when it was last on until now with no way of filling the gap like on Ios or android.

Twitter ? This has a similar issue with a gap in the timeline, its also missing notifications from people you follow, there is no moments, if I go to search for someone I follow on the other platforms when you start typing it autocompletes, not so on Windows phone, also when you search for something the results just appear in any sort of random order from any time, there is no listing from newest to oldest.

Facebook ? Personally it works fine for me but judging by reviews no so for others.

Spotify ? First of the bat its slow as molasses, resuming anyone? But more annoying than that is it randomly deletes off line content. What do I mean by this? Well because I have no wifi access at work I make content off line at home to listen to at work, you listing to a playlist, the music stops, you hit play again nothing happens, you then look at the phone the little green off line tick is gone, yes its decided to delete it. I had Spotify installed on SD card and thought that was the issue, so installed to phone same issue today, deleted an entire playlist.

Pocketcasts - This is the king of podcasts apps, I own it on Ios and android. For me the best feature is the sync feature so I can sync my podcasts between all platforms. So you sign into pocketcasts it starts syncing which again is as slow as molasses so you leave and open something else and let it run in the background, you come back maybe 10 mins later and it?s in the exact same place, it doesn?t do anything in the background leaving it pretty much useless, it won?t auto download apps or sync no they fail, even the screen has to be kept on or downloads fail, this put me off it so I never played any more with it but they ruined the best podcast app.

May be I am fussy? I?ve used all platform so know how these apps should work but the simply don?t on WP
That is pretty much down to the developers not the store.

It's like going into a super market and picking up a box of branded cereal only to find it's filled with scrap paper after opening it. Do you blame the supermarket or the people/company who packaged the product?

Thank you. I've been considering Instagram lately. I do like taking pictures with my Windows Phones and am proud of some of them. Your post got me looking at the Instagram (beta) App.

It reminded me why I don't like social media. Crisis averted. Instagram installs remains firmly at 0.
Windows Phone - less marketshare means when we do get an app, it might have less resources put into it.
Thank you. I've been considering Instagram lately. I do like taking pictures with my Windows Phones and am proud of some of them. Your post got me looking at the Instagram (beta) App.

It reminded me why I don't like social media. Crisis averted. Instagram installs remains firmly at 0.

On Android it is nice because it lets you apply filter, edit videos, and post to multiple platforms simultaneously... Facebook, twitter, etc. Kind of reminds me of the original people hub.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
Mostly I just wanted to follow you on Instagram.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
I supply graphics and 3d models to a few mobile developers, none in the ten I supply are developing for windows. All android and iphone with the occasional vita and 3ds. So I guess the bigger developers not based in the UK, put one person occasionally on updating windows apps, you have to go where the market and money return is these days, it's tough out there.
Pocketcasts - This is the king of podcasts apps, I own it on Ios and android. For me the best feature is the sync feature so I can sync my podcasts between all platforms. So you sign into pocketcasts it starts syncing which again is as slow as molasses so you leave and open something else and let it run in the background, you come back maybe 10 mins later and it’s in the exact same place, it doesn’t do anything in the background leaving it pretty much useless, it won’t auto download apps or sync no they fail, even the screen has to be kept on or downloads fail, this put me off it so I never played any more with it but they ruined the best podcast app.
I can definitely notice the differences in Pocket Casts for Windows 10 Mobile and for Android. I don't have to do anything with the Android app. It downloads my podcasts in the background seamlessly whenever I'm on WiFi. When I open the app, my podcasts have already been downloaded without any slow syncing issues. I even get notifications when there are new episodes of my podcasts.
I guess they are poorer quality as others have mentioned i.e. just not big enough user base to justify the development cost. I suspect WinPho is so off most dev's radars that they don't even know about universal apps and how they can tap into regular Windows users and a bigger market.
Consumer phones are practically being given away. The biggest inroad MS can make is via big businesses adopting their handsets and buying into their cloud storage and office & server software. IF Winpho can become the business phone OS of choice, then that might make app devs think money to be made. I think that's the only way to make inroads - selling the handsets and mobile OS to big business, then maybe the consumer side will get a knock on effect. We're looking at a long haul though.
Its not just Windows Phone apps, I see plenty of apps on Android that are really badly designed as well.

The problem is that developers often concentrate more on what an app does than how the user uses it.
I can definitely notice the differences in Pocket Casts for Windows 10 Mobile and for Android. I don't have to do anything with the Android app. It downloads my podcasts in the background seamlessly whenever I'm on WiFi. When I open the app, my podcasts have already been downloaded without any slow syncing issues. I even get notifications when there are new episodes of my podcasts.

I use the built in Podcasts app on Windows. While simple, it seems to work and I can always play my Podcasts. Clearly not cross-platform to iOS or Android, but does the job on Windows phone.
Well a few of those apps are being designed for windows 10. Here's the kicker. Windows 10 for mobile is not out yet. I know it's hard to believe but it's true.

The issue is that some developers just don't want to take the chance with low ratings due to the OS not being finished while their app works as it should. Others need the head start.

Like Satya says, it takes time. And it does. You don't release a software and then bam everyone has an app for it. There's definitely more apps coming out, some aren't even fully finished. You get the desktop version of some but not the mobile, and vice versa. Some developers want an edge and need to get into the store as quickly as possible. Facebook does not need an edge with instagram. As soon as they release it everyone is getting it. Same goes for a lot of things. I've been seeing some lovely app updates and new apps and I hope the momentum stays.

I think developers have more incentive than before. Computers had been pretty dry with sales, people don't really need to buy a computer just to increase their processor or memory. But 2-in-1s are a different ball game, you aren't just buying an increase in cpu cycles, you're getting a new functional device that lets you save on buying 2 separate units. That's why 2-in-1 sales are constantly increasing. Heck my bro wouldn't buy anything but a 2-in-1.

So it would be a bad thing to ignore the growth that windows 10 will experience over time. CES has shown that stores will be flooded with a lot of these new devices. And these devices also take design into consideration making them even more appealing.

That's just my 2 cents.
Huh. Guess those phones aren't running WM10.

Also, OP, try 6tag. Podcast+ Pro might work also.
I use the built in Podcasts app on Windows. While simple, it seems to work and I can always play my Podcasts. Clearly not cross-platform to iOS or Android, but does the job on Windows phone.
Yes it does work, but for cross platform users, syncing across multiple platforms is beneficial.
I use the built in Podcasts app on Windows. While simple, it seems to work and I can always play my Podcasts. Clearly not cross-platform to iOS or Android, but does the job on Windows phone.
I use the Windows Podcast App almost everyday and it works quite well all things considered. It does however have problems once in a while with a podcast feed that works fine elsewhere. I've read others say the same thing. It's not bad enough to be a showstopper can be irritating when it occurs.
Its not just Windows Phone apps, I see plenty of apps on Android that are really badly designed as well.

The problem is that developers often concentrate more on what an app does than how the user uses it.
I agree however the difference is all the major apps function flawlessly on android and ios, they wouldn't think of putting out a crappy app, on WP even the major apps are buggy.
The other problem are apps for devices that seem to be half hearted attempts.

I recently bought a MisFit Flash despite mixed reviews because, well it was on sale cheap. I didn't buy it because it was windows compatible as I use it with my iPad and it actually works quite well for my needs. The reason I mention this device is that they show on their website they do an app for Windows Phone, but I soon found it doesn't work even though, at first, it looks like a quality app. At least I can't get it to work, maybe someone else here has? They mention "Flash for Windows is available using the Misfit App" right at the bottom of their compatibility list which to me obviously shows it's an afterthought.

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