Why are MSN apps available on competing platforms?


How is this helping WP

MSN apps on Android and iOS doesn't sell Windows Phone handsets, but it does make Microsoft money. As much as I like Windows Phone, it's sure a good thing that Microsoft is making money from other things, because that helps them pour money into the relative loser that is Windows Phone.

How is this helping WP

Microsoft is a SOFTWARE company. Their bread and butter is Windows and Office, not selling hardware. Their goal is to ween people off Google and onto Bing. BTW, this user thanks you for your service. Stay safe and come home in one piece.
Re: MSN new app for IOS and Android is available!!

MS could ditch WP... but they will never go to Android, that would be like raising the white flag to Google and taking the humiliating feeling of defeat... besides MS already makes a lot of money from Android thanks to the patents.
They are already rising the white flag.. windows phone Is slowly starting to look like an android skin.
Hardly ever use MSN anything.

Kind of like Yahoo and Xfinity wanting everyone to use their start\home page websites.
Way too much horsecrap going on.

If I wanted certain content I'd ask for it versus having web crap like Kim Kardashian's antics shoved in my face.

Let the other platforms have MSN...
I'm not too worried by this news as the iOS and Android versions lack features compared to the WP versions.
What features in particular are these apps missing?

AFAIK they won't download articles for offline viewing and have no widgets on Android. Whereas on Windows 8.1 articles download for offline viewing and we have a Live Tile on both Windows and Windows Phone, at least for the news app.
AFAIK they won't download articles for offline viewing and have no widgets on Android. Whereas on Windows 8.1 articles download for offline viewing and we have a Live Tile on both Windows and Windows Phone, at least for the news app.

They also have terrible performance.

But given Microsoft's past I am pretty sure they are working on a better version of the app as we speak, and it's likely the new version already in development will turn out to be better than what we have on Windows Phone.

It is a sad truth really. :/
The problem isn't about Microsoft offering msn apps for IOS & Android, it's about Microsoft not favoring their customers and giving WP some advantages. ( for e.g. Look for office for IOS and office for WP sadly IOS version is way better). And how Microsoft well make money from them, They are free and no ads on them.
The problem isn't about Microsoft offering msn apps for IOS & Android, it's about Microsoft not favoring their customers and giving WP some advantages. ( for e.g. Look for office for IOS and office for WP sadly IOS version is way better). And how Microsoft well make money from them, They are free and no ads on them.

I think the differences have to do with what customers consider to be advantageous. For me, MSN and Office don't matter. I only use MSN weather (but it's my least used weather app), and I never use Office on my phone.
I guess Microsoft wanna put all their stuff across all platforms, One , but giving other mobile OSes better featured versions of Windows apps is frustrating as hell, soon Cortana is gonna be on other platforms ,can someone tell me what differentiates us from other platforms if it's all gonna be going like this...... Live Tiles,Folders,more smooth and.........? ? ?
So funny - all you guys want Google to bring their apps/services to Windows Phone, but flip out when Microsoft does the same for other platforms... Who cares, it's flipping MSN news people.

Welcome to the age where you should be able to get an app on ANY platform regardless of who it is made by. This is the future... stop whining.. "I'm losing faith.." good lord...

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