Why are my photos and videos not backing up to my One Drive?

Just plug your phone into your PC and copy the pictures to your hard drive as a back up, just in case like......
I have the same problem. Frustrating. I'd like to know I can forget about photos and videos uploading, but alas it's very inconsistent.

Any help would be much appreciated.



I have a Nokia Lumia and my photos are not backing up to my One Drive and I can't understand why.

Photos>Upload Status says "No uploads at the moment"

Settings>Backup>Photos+videos is set to Best Quality (needs WIFI)

I can open up onedrive on my Windows Phone and see files in there from my PC but theres none from my phone!

Can anyone help here please

Thanks in anticipation,

Have you switched your phone off (I.e. Powered it off) at any time after taking the pics? I've noticed that if you have pics waiting to be uploaded but switch your phone off, then when you switch your phone on again it doesn't have them listed as waiting to be uploaded.
My work around was to set photo storage to the phone memory (instead of SD card).

Not optimal, but it appears to have fixed the problem. Now photos back up to Camera Roll on OneDrive.

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