Why can't I roll back to Windows Phone 8.1?

For those having difficulty with rolling back to WP8.1... This new version of the W10M TP has Reset Protection. Reset Protection will not allow it to be rolled back if it is enabled. If you did a hard reset after upgrading, then Reset Protection was turned on by default. You will need to go into Find My Phone and turn OFF Reset Protection in order to roll back using Windows Phone Recovery Tool.

That's my understanding of it anyway, from what I've read about the Reset Protection.
I did that too, not work either. I also check my Reset Protection Status from my Microsoft Account, it said "off". Still the same, can't reset, flash, recevery.. etc.
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Is there anyone that's been successful rolling back yet?

Yes I did on my 920 and 930 with no problems.
And I saw in a few posts that others could rolled back after installing 10136.
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I was not only "unsuccessful" rolling back, but the Windows Phone Recovery Tool threw an error at 24% during the flash, and my Lumia 635 was bricked. It took 4 days before I finally found out that only the Lumia Software Recovery Tool could handle doing a dead flash to not only bring it back to life, but to bring it back to the original 8.1 that the phone came out of the box with.

Do a web search and find Lumia Software Recovery Tool and use that for rolling back. I ended up downloading version 5.05, which required me to do an update to 5.08 before I could use it. Worked like a charm. Wish I would have started with it.
Is your USB cable in a hub or direct to motherboard USB.

I have found that if you use a hub, you can't use the recovery tools
Re: Can't roll back to Windows Phone 8.1

But will it work on my 830 ?

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Re: Can't roll back to Windows Phone 8.1


To rollback to Windows Phone 8.1, just use Windows Device Recovery Tool (WDRT) or thor2.
Already tried that, I had used WDRT numerous times before.
I use my spare 830 to mess with insiders builds. One day I couldn't launch the main camera (error!!). I thought I could get it back by reverting back to 8.1.. only to find that WDRT no longer works on the phone

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This should help, please follow instructions carefully:

1. Ensure WDRT is installed on your computer.

2. Go to lumiafirmware.com, find your phone in the left column then choose a package from the right column, if possible for your country of residence and Country Variant (CV)

3. From the firmware download column download only the *.ffu file, then rename it to "FullFlashUpdate.ffu".

4. Create a new folder named "Package" from the Windows desktop and move the *.ffu file into it.

5. Execute this command prompt in administrator mode:

cd "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool
if your computer operating system is 32-bit;

cd "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool
if the operating system is 64-bit.

6. Connect your Lumia device to the computer then execute this command:

thor2 -mode uefiflash -ffufile "%HomePath%\Desktop\Package\FullFlashUpdate.ffu" -do_full_nvi_update -do_factory_reset -reboot

7. Wait for the flashing process to complete.

I've asked to @raycpl what's happened with WDRT and if he had already used thor2. According to his reply, I would have redirected it to my tutorial (this is where you've founded steps that you've mentioned). So, plz, wait his reply before advice him anything.
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I've asked to @raycpl what's happened with WDRT and if he had already used thor2. According to his reply, I would have redirected it to my tutorial (this is where you've founded steps that you've mentioned). So, plz, wait his reply before advice him anything.

By Odin's beard, that's the first time I heard of Thor2. I will give it a go and see how things pan out
Thanks for the tip, Dylan

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