Why Did Microsoft Seem to Forfeit the Mobile Phone War?

They only have something if you look at it from a technical standpoint. But do regular users actually care if its one OS that works across different form factors? Presenting the argument from the single standpoint that people will be attracted because they can use an ARM phone as a full computer ignores the other usage scenarios when the phone isn't being used in that way, and the fact that people have moved away from the desktop model to using their phones and tablets as their main computing devices, and that's where the whole proposition falls flat. On a site like this I can see why only the pro Microsoft side would be considered but from what we know of today's smartphone world, there is no real demand for a phone that works like a PC (complete with sitting at a desk with keyboard & mouse). If that wasn't the case W10M devices with Continuum would be flying off the shelves, but they aren't and that basically answers the question.

Sent from mTalk on my Acer A12

You may be right but I'm trying to look at it from another angle. I can't speak as to why W10 mobile isn't more popular for everyone but I know for allot of people, it is the apps. If you were running a full version of Windows 10, wouldn't that open the door for more apps? I know for me, I would wonder if it would run one of the Android emulator programs that could open all kinds of possibilities. Not sure h
ow it would perform but all I need just access to a couple of apps that wouldn't require allot of processing power. I'm sure I am in the extreme minority though.
The problem Microsoft has is that if continuum or some derivative of it becomes good enough to replace your PC, it WILL replace the PC, and in doing so will deprive Microsoft of even more revenue. I believe they give the phone OS away for free, but get significant revenue for their desktop OS.
The problem Microsoft has is that if continuum or some derivative of it becomes good enough to replace your PC, it WILL replace the PC, and in doing so will deprive Microsoft of even more revenue. I believe they give the phone OS away for free, but get significant revenue for their desktop OS.
Which is why they're transitioning to a cloud services company so they're less reliant on the OS.
That has been my view too. Most people are not interested in hooking up their phone to a monitor. Most users I know seem to do everything on their phone because it's mobile and with them wherever they are. Everyone talks about hooking your phone up to a monitor to use it as a replacement for their main computer as being the next big thing, but forget that these same people rarely use their main computer anyway, so what difference would it make for them?

There is no demand in the most Important place for MS and that is the enterprise. Continum will not persuade people over to Win Mobile
I've been saying around these parts that they should have kept their efforts in the low end going. What the platform needs most is users, to incentivize devs.
It might still have failed, but at least it wouldn't have looked as defeatist while they tinker with their Surface Phone.

I agree. Microsoft was losing $500 million per quarter in the phone business. Nadella should have reduced the losses withdrawing from the weakest markets, but keeping WP alive in its best markets. The app situation would be better for Surface Phone, Tablets, XBOX and AR.

As the mobile platform matures, closing the app gap becomes easier. The dominant apps are consolidated, killer apps aren't appearing every month. Companies are moving to cross-platform frameworks. The mobile web is improving and replacing apps. A small player like Windows with differentiators like Continuum, ink and AR, could have had good chance. Now It's a lot harder... but still posible?

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