Unless you could logically disprove of what I've said you can't call BS. Also I have used Windows Phone devices, I haven't used Samsung devices a whole lot though but Samsung devices do have an "Easy Mode" which essentially makes it easier to use than any other OS out there.
My point was that Windows Phone, may be easy to use, but not as easy to use as you guys make it out to be.
What makes iOS easier than Android and Windows Phone is the fact that it is basically just a sea of icons, of which some are live and the icons arrange automatically by the time you downloaded them. Thing could get more complicated if you got into iOS widgets, but that's another story.
Nonetheless Android works much the same way and when you set up the phone and download applications from the Play Store end up on your homescreen, so that you don't constantly have to go into the app tray. This setup is almost exactly like iOS! Thus easier to use, again if you got into widgets then it would become more complicated but Android doesn't force you to use widgets!
Also you can disable automatic app pinning on home screen from the Play Store, but this is a very helpful feature for less tech savvy individuals.
Windows Phone just an year ago was a terribly clustered OS, and people even then believed it was easier to use and I don't see how.
Windows Phone basically forced you to pin live tiles to your home screen, because if you didn't good luck to receiving notification (as there was no notification centre), also you had to set up notifications for the lock screen(something you don't have to do on android or iOS) and lastly that settings app was a hell of a mess. Not to mention the Windows Phone Store which is a mess compared to the Play Store or iOS store(you can't easy Email a dev, can't easily find other apps the dev has made and the UI just ain't as intuitive).
Since then some progress has been made, a notification centre has been added but still there is no automatic way for app pinning, you still have to set up lock screen notifications and the store still ain't as good.
In fact the UI is so "alien" to people using Android or iOS, or even BlackBerry, that I lended my phone to a friend to text and he couldn't even figure out how to send it on his Windows Phone!(because the "send" button was located at an odd place)