Why doesn't Groove music play when minimized?


New member
Feb 26, 2015
Groove music doesn't play when minimised

There are a lot of people with a similar problem in microsoft answers, with seemingly no solution. I have this problem with a clean install, even after the app has been updated. Anyone know a fix?

Update 1: This happens with or without battery saver mode.
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Re: Groove music doesn't play when minimised

it works here, yesterday it didn't and today it did. I remember I had to keep it maximized. and while I don't use groove, I just tested and it works here. maybe you had it on power save mode? that stops everything even settings from update windows. but maybe you could try to uninstall it on powershell and run sfc /scannow so the app will be reinstalled, there are couple ways to do this anyway. but maybe it would work.
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Re: Groove music doesn't play when minimised

Oh? My Groove music doesn't have this problem. It works as it should. Was your computer on battery saver mode? Or you disabled Groove music to run in the background?
Re: Groove music doesn't play when minimised

Same here, just put on an album, minimised it and it carried on playing.
Re: Groove music doesn't play when minimised

Reinstalling it had the effect of making it work for a slightly longer period of time before cutting off, the first time it is opened. If one maximises it and minimises it again, the music stops. How long has it played for, for people?
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Ah, and it works now.

Edit: Guess not. Lasted a lot longer this time! It works a while after turning on the computer, perhaps some delayed service is shutting it off.
This is a well-documented issue and I'm experiencing it too. It pauses when I minimize it. Hopefully they address it soon because I'm sure they're well aware of it. It's not a huge annoyance, but it's a bit troubling that it's not something that hasn't been addressed yet. If it's complicated enough of a fix that it's taking this long then it's a sign of poor design. I'm hoping it's just not as high on the priority list to throw the necessary resources at the problem that they eventually will and not something that they know about and are actively trying to fix that's just taking a while.
I have the problem on a 2012 dell laptop with 16gb ram and a 2008 HP PC with 6gb ram.
Re: Groove music doesn't play when minimised

Yes.. This happens with me every time. It doesn't matter that battery saver is on or off.
Can anyone say. How to solve this problem?
Re: Groove music doesn't play when minimised

Minimize the app doesn't stop the music.
But closing the app stop it in latest update till date.

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