why I am considering Android

I would tell you good luck with your device, whatever you choose John e. You gave it a shot and WP isn't something you are ready to commit to. Go and be happy man because at the end of the day, its all about what your friends think.

No that's not the point, do what you heart says. Not your friends, its your life, dont let others' unknowleageable opinions set your stance. We all here have some knowledge about wp, we try our best to help you find some solutions, but if someone who hasn't touched wp says "wp is useless because it doesn't have apps" thinking that it still doesn't have vine or instagram, then please dont think about their opinions. See if you really cant live without the good things of wp, if that's true, stay :) if the bad things weigh too heavy, its your own free will :)
Good luck ! :)
I disagree some people care about what their friends thin, that is important to the so people should not look down on them if they do choose this.
No that's not the point, do what you heart says. Not your friends, its your life, dont let others' unknowleageable opinions set your stance. We all here have some knowledge about wp, we try our best to help you find some solutions, but if someone who hasn't touched wp says "wp is useless because it doesn't have apps" thinking that it still doesn't have vine or instagram, then please dont think about their opinions. See if you really cant live without the good things of wp, if that's true, stay :) if the bad things weigh too heavy, its your own free will :)
Good luck ! :)

Give it a minute to sink in. Then comment. :)
I disagree some people care about what their friends thin, that is important to the so people should not look down on them if they do choose this.

i understand that too, but its better to be yourself :) and anyway, one can always dispel some ignorance by clearing misconceptions of friends ;-) i am the only one among my friends using windows phone, and I'm the happiest of the lot :-P they're jealous of my phone's speed ;-)
Anyway john, its your choice, give it a nice thought the coming weekend ;)
will keep my galaxy young for now and wait a bit. then I'll see where we are between some new unannounced Nokia and Sony z2. man queap androids doesn't take long to go slow.. :p
actually I can still use my htc 8x, it's just that every time I go into a menu or app, i can't go out without rebooting. so my sim is in the galaxy. but I still use it for snapchat (6snap) and camera. many video-snaps can't be displayed on the galaxy because resolution is too high. and I can always get into camera with the dedicated button.

If WP 8.1 give me a possibility to go to the startscreen without the capasitive buttons I'll go back to that 100% after upgrading. something like the gestures we have in Win 8.x

I remember when every The Wire episode was new to me. Exciting times SB.
I have a htc 8x, where my capasitive buttons stopped working. so when I needed a replacement phone I decided to get something really cheap before I decided what direction to take for the next few years. Since no store in town had the Lumia 520, I had to go with a samsung galaxy young for now. of course a cheap android won't take me anywhere, but it have given me some inside to what's happened with the platform since I last used it with android 2.x and briefly 3.x on a samsung tablet I sold quicker that you can say 'cheese'. I've had multiple WP for good or bad the last few years.

Here are some reasons why I am considering a top spec android, like maybe the sony z2.
1) restrictions on the os for background tasks on WP. Yes I get it, androids suck battery and lags, partly because all the apps are basically allowed to do what they want. But the result is that it feel more connected. when my friends does something on facebook, my android lets me know. And I know I can connect messaging to facebook, and have different facebook apps (official) + the m.facebook.com but somehow the tile-counters, the notifications / toasts, everything seem to be "behind". where as the android notification often comes in before i can see it on my pc browser. Nokia once marketed themselves as "Nokia - connecting people", but now I feel they are "Nokia - making you wait 30 minutes because of restrictions in the OS"

2) restrictions on the os for other tasks. When WP was launched I though developers will eventually flock to it. but I don't think they have done that. because they are not able to do the things they want here. sure, the api's are great and easy to work with. but that is not going to help if developers can't do what they want. example this interview about VLC for windows Microsoft News | Interview: VideoLAN President Jean-Baptiste Kempf Talks to Us about the Win8 VLC App see question no4. This is WinRT for windows 8, but the same thing goes for WP I think. I once saw a video on youtube comparing speeds to develop a simple text+button=hello <name> app on iOs, android and WP. WP won by a landslide. the tools are there with visual studio, the coders with great knowledge are there, just let them create and innovate as you always say in those presentations.

3) google chrome! this is actually a huge point for me. after I got my galaxy young I thought, let me change from FF to chrome for a while and see how I like it. and the sync of browser-history, visited pages, open tabs on other units etc is just amazing compared to FF not to mention IE. Microsoft, you have the OneDrive cloud just sitting there, use it to make our webexperience better...!!!

4) The app-gap. Yes, I know that all the major apps are on WP. But that is not the issue. The issue is the NEXT big thing. Because we know it will launch on iOs and android first, and then users from this forum will have to approach the developer with "Hey, give WP some love too". If I am on android, I won't have to worry about that at all (unless the next big thing is iOs only first).
4.1) A bus-ticket app in my hometown is not on WP, and those who purchase tickets with that app instead of cash receive a 40% discount on the ticket. I doubt Rudy Huyn will reverse engineer that app and create one for WP. It's not excatly Los Angeles or New York...

5) If I am to buy a new phone now, if I opt for WP I will have to wait for BUILD to see new announcements. then wait 2-(X) months before that phone is released into the wild here in Norway. Why can't MS/Nokia have launches like Apple...? I remember Steve Jobs saying "This iPhone will be in stores in the next 2 weeks". Also remember the first surface-launch and that the first surface pro was available in norway about 9+? months later. They did better with the surface 2 though.

6) Some of the selling points for WP are STILL not available in Norway. Bing-stuff like local scout. I can see bing data on my pc, so I know they have it. My nearby restaurants and such. But you wont let me use that feature? Why? Maybe an announcement at BUILD that bing-features will open up to new markets? That would be.... ABOUT TIME!

7) better second hand value if treated well.

Now for some of the reasons I want to stay on WP:
1) the ability to buy a phone whose camera knocks everything out of the park. Lumia 1020 or some successor.

2) offline maps. now most of the time I know where I am. The times I don't I am usually abroad. And that is when I don't want to have roaming enabled. The offline maps on WP are AWESOME.

3) I love the people-hub. Since I am all-in with MS as a serviceprovider, it's not very elegant to save new contacts on my galaxy young. I am not able to choose outlook as an account there. maybe I can on other androids, but I want my contacts on my hotmail.

4) the snapchat app on WP (6snap) is so much better than on my galaxy young. and I suspect that is still the case if you compare with a android-phone with a decent screen.

5) the personalization of the start-screen. not perfect, but I see great rumors for WP 8.1.

6) beautiful and fluid os, with virtually no lag.

7) OneDrive, Office etc etc etc.

what do you think? I don't see my android point 1,2,3,4 and 7 changing any time soon. I am hesitent to buy a Lumia 1020 because I read that the camera is slow (SUPER GREAT and still the very very best on the market, but slow). well, since //build is before the Sony z2 is released I get the chance to see what MS think first... :)


Trust me, when I say this: the grass isn't always greener, lol. I'm pretty sure, 2014 should see some great Windows Phone hardware. I'd at least wait until BUILD, before making any serious purchases. Nothing sucks like buyer's remorse.
I think the OP has made it clear he can live with his present device pending what comes out of MS's camp next month (see post #26). No need to continue the incessant Android vs. WP diatribe, it gets sickeningly old.

Mods, have at it.
I think the OP has made it clear he can live with his present device pending what comes out of MS's camp next month (see post #26). No need to continue the incessant Android vs. WP diatribe, it gets sickeningly old.

Mods, have at it.

Well, to be fair it is in the Phone Wars forum, so.....
It is ok to discuss the pros and cons of Android in this forum.

Information about current high-end Android devices is also acceptable, if members have new information that dispels myths.
It is ok to discuss the pros and cons of Android in this forum.

Information about current high-end Android devices is also acceptable, if members have new information that dispels myths.

That's the problem, nothing more than the same-old, same-old. What constitutes myth to an ardent WP user is considered gospel truth to an Android user.

My post was intended to dissuade others from continuing to throw comments at the OP, who had already made clear his intention to keep his current device. His prose was indicative of someone who was starting to become agitated.

Sent from my iPad using WPCentral Forums
OP makes a solid argument in favor of Android for his personal needs. Good luck and thanks for the informative analysis.
That's the problem, nothing more than the same-old, same-old. What constitutes myth to an ardent WP user is considered gospel truth to an Android user.

My post was intended to dissuade others from continuing to throw comments at the OP, who had already made clear his intention to keep his current device. His prose was indicative of someone who was starting to become agitated.

Sent from my iPad using WPCentral Forums
That makes sense.

I really do not feel that the issue needs to be polarizing. I'll give an example.

I belong to a couple local Linux User Groups. If one only believed what was online, one would think all Linux users hate Windows and all Windows users hate Linux. However, I do not experience any of this so-called "Windows hatred" by members of the Linux Groups.

One would also think that all Linux users would use Androids, since the Ubuntu smartphone is not available yet. However, I've spotted iPhones, Windows Phones and even BlackBerry at the Linux Group meetings. Not everyone has an Android. The members of the Linux Groups do not really care which smartphone platforms other people use. It's a non-factor.
1) notification center is coming :) so it'll let you know nicely. :) and besides, for special tasks, background tasks are gonna be allowed every minute or so. See the leaks, you're going to be elated ! :)
2) man the restrictions are for YOUR sake !!! Do you want apps to be hacking your phone, and do you want a company whose reliability is a big as a rat ?
3) did you see the ie11 on windows phone 8.1 leak video published under the name 'yash maheshwari' on youtube ? See it, ie11 is going to have tab sync with win8.1
4) app gap, well... Its improving though :) and i for one have no problem with it. The good things outweigh it.
4.1) sorry, there's no way for that :) though you can make one if you want, or if you have a developer friend :)
5) you can hope for better luck :-P

in addition to ur points - the cons of android-
1)phone gets outdated and the only upgrade is buying the next flagship which gets outdated softwarewise in just 6 months
2)phone can be cracked open despite security with commands like adb-unlock etc
3)phone gets laggy over time

@prasath1234 as for the comment about people here only using windows phone for calling and messaging,whats wrong with u , there are games like san andreas , real racing, asphalt series and even Halo,spiderman etc
now talk
Actually, MS support on Android is excellent - Onedrive, Outlook, Bing, Skype are all as well or Better supported on Android as they are on Windows Phone. Having owned both Android and Windows Phone the MS apps are often better on Android than they are on Windows Phone (Skype especially). MS/Nokia take way too long updating their OS and hardware - look at the Icon coming out on only one carrier with top line specs and don't tell me specs don't matter when it comes to photo processing or app switching.

read my comment again bro
i meant why would someone favour google's services over microsoft
microsoft has much better privacy, UI etc over google
No that's not the point, do what you heart says. Not your friends, its your life, dont let others' unknowleageable opinions set your stance. We all here have some knowledge about wp, we try our best to help you find some solutions, but if someone who hasn't touched wp says "wp is useless because it doesn't have apps" thinking that it still doesn't have vine or instagram, then please dont think about their opinions. See if you really cant live without the good things of wp, if that's true, stay :) if the bad things weigh too heavy, its your own free will :)
Good luck ! :)

he is sorta right coz even all my friends have samesung , iphone 5s's and only a couple of lumias
when asked why its only coz the phones are a fad especially my friends who dont know anything abt ios and have only bought it so others will see it and know that ''they paid 55k on a phone so they must be rich'' sorta attitude or android fanboys who like to show off launchers and apps which arent really productive or games which really are badly coded etc
i have nothing again ios and android but thats what its become in my friend cricle- A Fad
ps-i have a nexus 7 and a bunch of other android devices as well as a couple of ipads (my main tablet is an ipad 2 jailbroken on 6.1.3)
in addition to ur points - the cons of android-
1)phone gets outdated and the only upgrade is buying the next flagship which gets outdated softwarewise in just 6 months
2)phone can be cracked open despite security with commands like adb-unlock etc
3)phone gets laggy over time

@prasath1234 as for the comment about people here only using windows phone for calling and messaging,whats wrong with u , there are games like san andreas , real racing, asphalt series and even Halo,spiderman etc
now talk

Hmm understand but you can't play the latest nd greatest when all your friends are playing in android or iPhone.also I have lumia 820 which just heats as a HELL when u play HD games.

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
Hmm understand but you can't play the latest nd greatest when all your friends are playing in android or iPhone.also I have lumia 820 which just heats as a HELL when u play HD games.

Sent from my C2305 using WPCentral Forums mobile app

firstly, if you're comparing a 18k price phone with a 55k iPhone or even a 30k S3, then that's wrong. Look, you cant even play those 'latest and greatests' on the lower end android without lag, while my 520 plays asphalt 8 (though with a little downtuned graphics) better than even Samsung grand. Heating does happen, but its noticeable because wp gives out heat more... I dont think android phones have a processor fan (:-P) so they'd generate the same amount of heat too. Its just that you dont notice the heat in them.
he is sorta right coz even all my friends have samesung , iphone 5s's and only a couple of lumias
when asked why its only coz the phones are a fad especially my friends who dont know anything abt ios and have only bought it so others will see it and know that ''they paid 55k on a phone so they must be rich'' sorta attitude or android fanboys who like to show off launchers and apps which arent really productive or games which really are badly coded etc
i have nothing again ios and android but thats what its become in my friend cricle- A Fad
ps-i have a nexus 7 and a bunch of other android devices as well as a couple of ipads (my main tablet is an ipad 2 jailbroken on 6.1.3)

101% right ! :) android is a fad (along with the reason that you can show off stupid launchers, and that you can download games for free off the net), and iPhone is a fad among the richer class, and "he paid 55k for it so he must be rich" reason is true too...

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