Sorry if this has been asked a thousand times but why is it (this time - last time it was the focus) that Mango is still in testing for some UK carriers?
Yes probably podsnap, hoping the update's not too far away for you, so you can join in all the Mango juciness too.Thanks TheWeeBear. I'm on Virgin Mobile (which uses the T-Mobile network) so probably have to wait like them.
Hopeing that when it's released I'll finally get my firmware updated and so be able to use all those lovely Mango apps!
How could you not be in love with the Omnia, you dubious pig! em i mean DubiousPig LOLI'm on T-Mobile and still waiting... I've tried the force update trick most days since the launch of Mango but it just isn't working. As annoying as it is, I'm still in love with my Omnia 7 so I don't mind playing the patience game!
Ah right, I never bothered trying it again podsnap.Hey TheWeeBear, yeah, I spotted that too.
It says it regardless. You can perform the operation any number of times and everytime it says you need a binary update.
I think it doesn't actually check anything, it's just lazy programming!