He finally got banned? Lol.
As for the other part, it could just be HTC at fault. Though, TBH, only phone I have had with "stereo" audio is an iPhone... (3GS, to be specicifc). Neither of my Sammy Focus/Focus S had that, mono only. It's definately something neat to have, though I'll be real honest: IMO, there is no appicable useage situation for a stereo speaker setup on the phone, maybe if you had to listen to music, alone, in a quiet room, and did not have speakers, headphones, or any other audio source nearby, in addition, were willing to put up with subpar audio quality to begin with, and was alergic to mono audio...
Not to mention, Apple stacked both speaker outputs on the iPhone 3GS (and I see from pics, the 4/4S, too) on the "bottom" of the phone. NOT how I hold my phone when viewing videos, or playing most games. So the audio would be effectively mono, anyways.
If the phone had 4 speakers put in 4 distinct locations (probably can pull it off with just two at opposite corners of the phone, though), then there might be an appreciable effect. But then it would still be nothing more than a dinky phone speaker setup.
Just IMO, of course. As for useage time, I eventually gave up on wifi. Strange, but I get a bit more life with WiFi off, and using an ATT 3G APN (Focus S can use a Sammy Zone app for this), and as for today I got about 3 hours of surfing, 2 hours of GeoDefense out of my Focus S, and went back to hotel room with ~30% battery left. Also syncing 1 hotmail/xbox live account + 1 google apps account (calander & email) every hour. Brightness set to auto+auto intensity (the new update to the extra settings app made auto intensity much more bearable).