Why isn't my birthday calendar and contact detail auto-updating?


New member
Apr 7, 2014
birthday calendar and contact detail not autoupdating?

without me knowing i got a "birthday calendar" on outlook.com, btu when i edit the birthday of my contacts it's not autoupdating/creating the event!
why?!?, who made this "bday calendar"?(i didn't) and why when i add/edit a bday it's not generating the event?
Re: birthday calendar and contact detail not autoupdating?

These are coming from your Facebook calendar and can't be edit but could be hidden if you want. Birthdays' in your outlook calendar can be edited. To hide the Facebook calendar birthdays go to your calendar on your phone, then settings, unchecked Facebook.
Re: birthday calendar and contact detail not autoupdating?

i don't have facebook, so it can't be that.
and g+ generates a google bday calendar which is separate.

And why does my OUTLOOK contact bday do not generate a corresponding birthday event in my OUTLOOK calendar
Re: birthday calendar and contact detail not autoupdating?

I'm having a similar issue. Windows Phone is sync'ing with some, but not all my contacts. I can't figure it out. It's amazing how buggy cell phone apps are.
I'll put up a secondary point...
You'll want to make sure that it's actually showing up on outlook.com, before thinking something is wrong with your phone.
I have multiple contacts' birthdays that don't show up on the calendar (outlook.com), so they won't show up on my phone (including reminders).
Just in this month, I have a contact whose birthday does show and another whose birthday doesn't show.
It's horribly annoying (and I've submitted feedback, from the calendar page, but no response).
Subscribing to thread. I have similar frustrations to having lots of birthdays in my People contacts list (through Outlook.com and/or Outlook 2013) but they don't sync to my calendar consistently at all. Really, really irritating. Because of that, I've manually added other birthdays through the online Calendar but they still only show up on my Outlook 2013 calendar but not on my online or phone Calendars. Totally buggy and BS.
Here's possible fix that seems to be working with my online (Outlook.com) Calendar via the People listings. Delete the "Year" associated with their birthday, then go into Calendar birthday settings and hit the Refresh option. Then the birthdays associated with your contacts might possibly autofill into your calendar. I've always listed years in my contacts' birthdays (when I knew the year, anyway), and my calendar seemed very buggy for birthdays. Then I saw an idea that the syncing problem might be related to having or not having a Year with the birthday. I've now deleted several birthday Years from my contacts and the Calendar now seems to be pulling from People. It's still annoying that it won't work with a Year selected when the Year box is offered as an option in People, but at least it's something of a fix for birthdays auto filling into your calendar like the system is supposed to work.
i edited ALL the birthdays i knew of in outlook.com with correct year, they still aren't showing in the birthday calendar (btw, calendar in outlook.com is atrociously basic compared to g.calendar)....
all the birthdays i'm seeing are from SKYPE.
going to try and delete a birthday from the contact and remake it after a while and see if it syncs
nope, doesn't works, i deleted the birthday on the contact(august), now 4 hours later added it back, went to august of next year and it's still not there.

who do we need to contact to fix this?

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