Why isn't my Bluetooth headset working for listening to songs?


New member
Aug 22, 2014
Bluetooth headset is not working for listening songs!

I've bought a new samsung mono bluetooth headset HM1100. i'm able to use it for answering calls but i'm unable to use it for listening songs. i'm using lumia 520 with windows 8.1. People said me that we have to use a 3rd party application to listen the songs. if anyone can tell me what is that application for wp. and can anyone help me out to solve this issue.
Re: Bluetooth headset is not working for listening songs!

When you connect the headset to your phone does it say voice and music under the device? If not then it doesn't support listening to music. Most mono headsets (if not all) are for calls only. Not for playing music.
Re: Bluetooth headset is not working for listening songs!

Ya the seller said that we can listen to music by using an application named "BTROUTER" for android. But he was unable to say for Windows phone. Do You have any idea about any application which allows My lumia 520 to listen music by bluetooth headset..
You can check the app Store but if the app isn't there, which is most likely, than you simply can't do it. Mono headsets are not setup to play music. If you wanted music you should have got a headset that does that. Either that or get an Android phone.
Re: Bluetooth headset is not working for listening songs!

I got an application named Headset player lite. its working like a charm. but the only problem is it cannot run in background and when we press lock screen its ending.
Re: Bluetooth headset is not working for listening songs!

I got an application named Headset player lite. its working like a charm. but the only problem is it cannot run in background and when we press lock screen its ending.

So it sort of works. Does it allow background tasks? That may allow you to use it with the screen locked.
Re: Bluetooth headset is not working for listening songs!

No its not working in background. and always screen light is on until we close the application. This is reducing the battery life.

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