Why Microsoft needs to unify the many faces of Cortana

Windows Central

WinC Bot
Staff member
Dec 17, 2013

Microsoft's Cortana is now in more places than ever, but it needs to start looking the part of a future-driven A.I. personal assistant.
Microsoft's personal assistant Cortana is getting a new home this week on Android. The Microsoft Launcher for Android (beta) now has Cortana built in, and it got a design revamp. Of course, being Microsoft and Cortana, the feature is region-restricted to just a handful of countries including the U.S., UK, Canada, Australia, and China.
One of the more exciting aspects of the Cortana integration – which is very well done – is the updated UI, which is now cleaner. This design contrasts with the existing Cortana app for Android and iOS, which is more reliant on the old "card" interface. Both contrast even more with the current version for Windows 10.
While platform variation is to be expected – even encouraged – Microsoft needs to unify its Cortana user experience across devices better if it expects broader user adoption.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...
I'm not one to use personal assistants to a huge degree although when we have (Google) the results were usually impressive. Cortana was too slow getting up to speed here in Canada so essentially I lost all interest in the early goings, today rarely give "her" a second thought when it comes to using an assistant.

As for unifying. Having experienced first hand MSFT's indecisiveness with their own platform after each update so I'm not surprised to hear there's variations across same devices.
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