Why should a business deploy the Elite X3?

What I find interesting is to think about why HP chose to manufacture a mobile phone running an OS that so far has not gone anywhere in the real world, and has even been dropping like a rock the last couple years. So far, the Elite X3's only differentiating feature is HP Workspace. Will that do it? Maybe, maybe not. We'll see.

I guess I do not see how HP thought they could go somewhere with this. I can understand that sometime in the future Continuum and HP Workspace could be compelling for businesses, but I think it's a bit premature for HP to jump into it at the scale they are and dedicate all those resources to it. At the rate Microsoft and developers supporting the ecosystem have been moving with WM, HP is likely going to have a very rough road for awhile, with progress coming at a snail's pace.

I suspect that Microsoft is behind the entire HP Elite X3 idea. I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft made HP an offer they couldn't refuse, and that no matter how it spins out, HP will do well financially.

I beg to differ! First of all, the "smartphone market" has literally EXPLODED onto the scene due to Android being FREE and Samsung the juggernaut "producing multiple knock-offs of the iPhone" and flooding the market ! Apple has over $200 BILLION in the bank in profits and doesn't care about market share, ONLY "profits"!

I recently read that the IPhone recently shipped their 1 BILLIONTH iPhone ... but, Android is like 1.6 Billion (or higher).

However, Windows Phone "again, I read somewhere, crossed 100 MILLION Windows Phones ... but, I have no idea, what is counted?

That said ... take for example "automobiles" ... and look at the numbers! Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Ferrari, Lamborghini, etc. NEVER tried to compete with the likes of Toyota, Ford, GM, Honda, etc. - let alone Kia, Subaru, etc.

BUT ... They "did NOT DIE" = I humbly submit, That there is a place for the HP Elite x3!

Rumors are that "at least 10 other ODMs" including Samsung are "readying Windows 10 MOBILE devices"!!

Am I the ONLY one?
What rumors?

Every time Microsoft announces a "new patent licensing agreement" with a big manufacturer, there is updated information about how Microsoft negotiated some special terms to either "ship Microsoft software" or that a Windows Phone may be forthcoming as well.

Second sources are recent reports that the "smartphone market" is saturated and manufactures are looking toward new markets like the Enterprise - aka, like what HP is doing with the Elite x3? HP is not doing this without serious vetting of their Enterprise customers and large distribution Partners.

This has nothing to do with whether the average consumer will switch - it's about "features" in Windows 10 AU like security, etc.

I don't have time right now to find these articles but will look as it's just the way hi-tech operates.

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