Why should I switch to windows phone 7?


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Mar 5, 2011
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What are some things that Wp7 has that you find amazing that other os's don't? And also will there be any 4g, dual-core, Wp7 devices?


Nov 8, 2010
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Zune Pass has gotta be the biggest selling point for me.

And of course there will be 4G/LTE-enabled WP7 devices, just not sure when.


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Dec 11, 2010
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A smooth and fast OS. Smoother and faster than anything else. Period. Microsoft did all the tweaking so you get to enjoy the experience. Some people don't like that but after 10 years of playing with PocketPC/WinMobile I welcome it. I don't have an XBox either but that doesn't keep me from playing XBox games. Zune Pass is fantastic. But the bottom line is if you like your Android then no one is going to talk you out of it, just like no one will talk me out of my WP7. But you are doing yourself a disservice if you dont go into a store and spend 5-10 minutes tinkering with the WP7 devices. Trust me.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express


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Jan 30, 2011
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Yeah... Anyone reading this thread for the very question that it's titled; its a good question, but we're not Microsoft's marketing department, and I dont mean this in a negative way, I'm just saying the truth, I fu?kin love Windows Phone 7 I'll probably never go back to Android. You alone have to go check one out, it would be a good thing if a friend of yours owns one that's the best way to just spend hours on the device without pissing people in line off lol (although if that's your thing go for it, you might just get kicked out of the store ha). Hell if you have ATT or T-Mobile you could ask this friend to trade with you for a couple of days immerse yourself inc the experience and you'll know whether you like it or not. Wanna know how I did it? I live in El Paso Texas, hardly a place where everyone is rushing to get the latest phone normally I am the one with the latest phone lol, but I literally watched YouTube videos on the HD7 until I practically knew how to use the damn thing without even owning one. So when I ordered mine and received it I felt right at home, and fell in love twice... So to speak... But yeah its a great OS just give a shot if you so choose.


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Dec 22, 2010
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I'm just saying the truth, I fu•kin love Windows Phone 7 I'll probably never go back to Android.

Preach it, brother!

I was very skeptical of WP7 but after giving it a shot at the store and experiencing the interface it made me realize how much I appreciated a fast and seamless interface which didn't require a schematic to move through the maze of menus. I've always had Palm hardware keyboards so I was inclined to think I would continue wanting one but the the WP7 virtual keyboard changed my mind quickly on that. A phone is a daily device so it has to have a UI that will allow you to enjoy using it, as well has having the apps and overall functionality. WP7 delivers on these fronts and is only going to improve as MS grows the platform.
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Mar 6, 2011
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The first time I went into the local AT&T store a few weeks ago, I had not given WP7 much thought. I had heard good things about it, and the Xbox live integration had caught my attention, but I was still strongly leaning towards Android. I had been watching for the Atrix release and when that day came, I went to the store to try it out (I'm due for an upgrade in about 2 weeks). I played with the Atrix for 5 or 10 minutes and just wasn't that impressed. I then went to the other side of the display and started messing around with the Samsung Focus, HTC Surround, and LG Quantum. I could not believe how smooth the experience was. The browser actually impressed me (I hate IE on my Windows PCs), the games were beautiful and fun, the fact that Netflix is already available for it (not a single Android device to date can say that, even the Atrix which was up until that point my dream phone), and the fact that I could take the battery out if I felt like it without voiding the warranty (looking at you Apple)...I was in love.

Unless Netflix support is added to Android in the next 2 weeks, I'm 99% positive my next phone will be WP7. I still can't believe I'm saying that knowing what kind of hardware the Atrix is packing.


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Oct 12, 2010
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Zune pass was my biggest reason. The UI itself is very fresh and so different from anything else I love it. My wife got the iPhone 4 and I got the Samsung Focus on the same day and I have no regrets. To me the iPhone is a fantastic phone but the UI is just so boring and plane now.


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Feb 28, 2011
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My dad is a big Windows Mobile user and had a Droid for a while but he hated it. It constantly needed tweaking and screwing around with to work. He asked me to check out the Samsung Focus with Windows Phone 7. Now I currently have an iPhone 4 and previously and iPhone 3G. I decided to play with the Focus.

After only 2 minutes, I called him up and told him to get it. Now I'm getting one. Should be here in the mail via UPS on Monday. I'm gathering a HUGE list of needed apps to get. I was almost shocked into a heart attack when I admitted how freaking great Windows Phone 7 is. I actually might sell my iPhone 4, not sure yet...


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Feb 2, 2011
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Jan 30, 2011
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I honestly feel that the whole desktop with app icons layout is just very very very old and tired I'm sure windows phone will catch on hard when it matures. Honestly; how long do you think Apple will last with the same look and feel to iOS over and over? Android is mixing it up with the widgets and by the look of it, its pretty much what'll define that OS. BlackBerry is still doing good in the business market, but again same old tired interface has it losing marketshare on the consumer side of things. As for webOS... That's a whole different story that I would rather not get into lol


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Feb 12, 2011
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The freshest take on a handheld OS out there (whether you like it is one thing...go check it out at a store...its amazing).

Highly polished and responsive UI. The flow of Metro UI is very intuitive and beautiful.

Best in class email & music player. Best in class Facebook integration if you care about that.

High quality apps: there are still a bunch of poor ones, but the good ones are vastly superior to anything on Android, and you can already see some better than iOS. This will only get better. The UI/Interface has SO much room for developers to create amazing applications its actually quite stunning.

Everything just works like with iOS. Things feel "complete" and part of the system. There are a lot of deeper functions missing still, but the OS is only a few months old so thats expected. Over the next 1-2 years you will see some drastic differences between wp7 and "the rest" imo.

As far as dual core ect, those will come in time. But the thing is, you don't need the processor that came out 2 seconds ago for a great experience. wp7 OS is actually faster on my Samsung Focus which has a 2-3 year old Qualcomm 1ghz processor than ANY of the new Android devices touting dual core processors and 1/2 gig+ of ram.
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Feb 23, 2011
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I switched from an Evo 4G to a HD7. It's interesting because they are almost the exact same hardware inside and out, but they could not feel more different in terms of user experience.

The first thing you'll notice is that it's REALLY FAST!! WP7 may only run on "old" Snapdragon processors, but it feels even faster than the latest dual-core Android devices. The speed affects everything:
- there is less input lag. I've found that using the on-screen keyboard is MUCH easier in WP7 than Android because it responds instantly every time.
- hitting the start button returns you to the home screen instantly, even if you were in the middle of something processor-intensive like watching a video or playing a 3D game
- scrolling & zooming webpages/photos is silky smooth
- navigating around the UI is super smooth and responsive, and never even shows a hint of lag or stutter, unlike every Android device I have tried
- it even boots up much faster!

- Going back to the home screen actually closes your app, reliably, every time!! (and saves the state if the app is designed to do so) Advanced Task Killer should NOT be an essential app for a freaking smartphone OS. No more wondering whether your app was actually closed or whether it's still running, slowing your phone to a crawl and draining your battery. No more wondering which app is the offender.

- The home screen manages to give you lots of information without appearing cluttered. It's a nice change coming from Android, with its multiple screens full of ugly-*** widgets, gaudy OEM-customized buttons and UI elements, icons, etc. Live tiles are brilliant in that there is no distinction between the icon and the widget.

- Even if you don't care about Xbox Live, the Live-enabled games tend to be very polished and full-featured. They are much higher quality than your typical smartphone games.

- I'd never used the Zune software until I got this phone, but I have to say, it's far better than iTunes as a way of managing and syncing your music collection. You can even sync your phone over your home wifi network.

Overall, WP7 is faster, more responsive, more fun to use, simpler, and more polished than Android.

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