why so many nuisances in the later turn of century? [usability blog]


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May 29, 2018
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It's weird that connecting usb cables from my phone (Nokia C65) to my laptop all of a suddenly is not resulting in automatic synchronization.

Has there been electronics programming to block such integration that used to be available with older operating systems and why is this?

It is quite lame to expect consumers to purchase all products from the same vendor frankly all products have different features that might not be available in others, particularly for a tester like myself if this is true.

Glitches I observe include weird glitches with apps programmed on mobile devices, websites looking odd on mobile devices when compared to their desktop version which is a matter of having a different version contestable in law for other reasons, and, my increased in ability to synchronise photos across networks, this is a problem when my core daily work is posting information.

I know I am talking of legacy devices some people like to collect them for computer museums and academic use, a history of gadgets tends to be very useful educational experience to show a history of technologies typical of computer science taught since secondary schooling in most jurisdictions for example so there is use for such technologies.

Battery life is a contentious issue it is not always a matter of buying a spare battery sometimes retailers are not stocked and how the heck am I going to find a retailer if my internet service provider and I do not have an agreement or there is a latency fault?

We need to think about more projects in my opinion.

see [http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-38225274]

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