Why won't Cortana search D:/ drive, only C:/?


New member
Aug 3, 2015
Cortana won't search D:/ drive, only C:/

Basically, I realized this when trying to get Cortana to play my music. I have tons of music in the music folder on my D:/ drive, a hard drive, yet she told me I had none on my device (a built tower PC). To test it, I put music on my C:/ drive, an SSD and the location of my Windows 10 install, and she would play it. Also, when searching for programs on my computer, she only ever lists anything that's on the C:/ (SSD) drive.

Any way to get her to look everywhere? I also have an E:/ drive that I hardly use but she also cannot "see" that drive, either.

More info:
I'm the only user and the only account, and an administrator.

Am I seriously the only one with this problem?
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Re: Cortana won't search D:/ drive, only C:/

Hi, I can confirm this. Very frustrating. In fact, it seems as if it doesn't even search all of C:\, it restricts its search to your account's "User" folder. I can put an .mp3 in the root directory of C:\ and it will still be ignored (even if I set Windows to index it). It's not even a permissions issue: Cortana looks at each user's own folder and that's that. Too bad if you have your system on an SSD and your media on a second drive...

I tried faking Cortana out with a symbolic link (using mklink) that I put in my Users folder, but no luck, it wasn't fooled.
Re: Cortana won't search D:/ drive, only C:/

Hi, I've just spoken to a level 2 MS agent who confirmed Cortana will only search the C: drive.
He suggested there might be an update to change this but it is not possible at the moment. He will advise me if this becomes available.
Re: Cortana won't search D:/ drive, only C:/

Hi, I've just spoken to a level 2 MS agent who confirmed Cortana will only search the C: drive.
He suggested there might be an update to change this but it is not possible at the moment. He will advise me if this becomes available.

Any news about this boring problem still unfixed also after the newest build installed on late September 2016?
Whoa. I just did this on my PC to search for media files on my D:, coming up with the same problem. Should be an easy fix, strange to have left it off in the first place.


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