Wi Fi issue, and not the common one!

Roger Morrison

New member
Dec 19, 2015
Hello All,

Just thought I'd canvas for alternate opinions here as I struggle to fix this problem!

So, Desktop computer, was using it fine this morning, on the web, surfing the internet to use an outdated phrase. Shut it down, popped out, came back to do some work on it, and all of a sudden, can't connect to WiFi on it (the router is physically to far to try a wired connection at this time!), but yet the wifi connection is still useable on my laptop, phone and everything else WiFi in the house.

Just to clarify, I'm using Windows 10 64-Bit and a TP-Link TL-WN823N V1 - and a I say, it has worked fine up until now. The desktop has undergone no changes or installations in the last 12 hours, unfortunatley I had System Restore disabled so there isn't a restore point, I've tried "Identify and Repair Network Settings" to no avail, the router has been rebooted a few times, but again the problem lies with the desktop as everything else seems to be working fine. I have uninstalled and then re-installed the driver for the adapter, still no joy, and erm, that's it so far! I've rebooted the system a few times, but when I do this I can connect but with limited connectivity, i,e - No internet access..... To repeat, all other WiFi connections to this network are working just fine.

Anyone got any constructive ideas before I consider some more drastic remedies?
...And before anyone replies, I resolved it.... Power off on the desktop and the router for 10 minutes, should clear the capacitors, then repositioned the adapter into a more accesible slot for the WiFi, fired it all up and it worked. But thanks anyway!!

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