Wi-Fi problems after GDR-2 update


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Jul 23, 2010
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Since updating to GDR-2 on my Lumia 521, I had seen some strange occurrences regarding WI-Fi.

  1. When I start my phone, WI-Fi Calling is not always displayed on my Phone live tile. Instead it shows T-Mobile, and I only have 2 bars on the status line.
  2. When I look at my Battery app, it shows that WI-Fi is "off" even though I see the WI-Fi symbol on the status line at the top of the screen. When I click on the WI-Fi button, it takes me the the Settings...WI-Fi screen, which shows the WI-Fi as turned on, and connected to my home network.

I have found that if I proceed to turn WI-Fi off and back on from the Settings screen, WI-Fi calling shows on the Phone tile, and the Battery app now shows WI-Fi as "on".

I should not have to go through this procedure every time I start my phone, which is every morning. Is anyone else having the same experience? Does anyone know if Microsoft/Nokia is working on a fix for this?


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Mar 11, 2012
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When you mean start your phone, has in wake it up from lockscreen or been turned off and you are turn it back on.

1: WifiCalling sometimes take a few minutes before it start working, what mode are you set to Wifi Preferred, Cellular Only, Wifi Only ?

2: Battery app well that is really not a issue with phone, but, with app itself and how it detects your network.

Do you have the option to keep wifi alive when screen times out turned on.

Neil Katz

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Dec 5, 2012
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When you mean start your phone, has in wake it up from lockscreen or been turned off and you are turn it back on.

1: WifiCalling sometimes take a few minutes before it start working, what mode are you set to Wifi Preferred, Cellular Only, Wifi Only ?

2: Battery app well that is really not a issue with phone, but, with app itself and how it detects your network.

Do you have the option to keep wifi alive when screen times out turned on.

I am set to Wi-Fi Preferred in the Wi-Fi Calling app.

I have the option to Keep Wi-Fi on and the option is checked in my Wi-Fi Settings.

As for the Battery app, it may be the app's problem. I will try to identify and contact the developer.

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