WIFI Direct is now enabled in wp8.1-- devs can we expect file sharing apps using wifi direct APIs???

You guys don't get how networking works, do you? Networking is done by layers of protocols, with each one having a set job to do. WiFi Direct is just WiFi without an access point (one of the two nodes becomes an ad hoc access point, effectively).

Can you do file sharing with just WiFi, or just wired Ethernet (WiFi is literally just wireless Ethernet, because of the way Ethernet works it could be easily modified to wireless)? No, of course not. You need to layer transport and session protocols on top, like TCP/IP. Now can you do file sharing? Nope, you need to layer application protocols on top of TCP/IP, stuff like FTP, NFS, CIFS, even BitTorrent and Apple's AirDrop.

So WiFi Direct support on its own will not give you file sharing.
So, basically WP8.1 includes WiFi direct and it's useless for file sharing? If it doesn't support file sharing, then what are the other advantages of WiFi direct?

Also, Miracast uses WiFi direct to establish connection and transfer data. Then, why can't other apps do the same?
^ No. That is not at all what Andy said. He just said it's not enough on its own.

WiFi direct is just one layer in a whole stack if communication technologies and protocols required to get file sharing over ad hoc wireless networks to function.

WiFi direct is a feature for developers, which they can use to build apps that can connect to each other over WiFi without using a dedicated AP.

That also means that just being WiFi direct enabled, by itself, doesn't ensure two apps can communicate with each other. Compatibility between two apps requires that all the layers in the communications stack are compatible.

Basically, WiFi direct is not an end-user facing feature.
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what do you mean.. ther is no possibility of file sharing app using wifi direct feature for wp8.1 platform..

reply fast and explain in simple manner..
just tell me apps like superbeam n flash transfer possible or not for share files using wifi direct to other device which also uses same app??
please explain in easy way
File Sharing applications will have to be built on top of WiFi Direct. Remember, layers on top of layers, a stack of layers. It is not the job of WiFi to share files. It is the job of WiFi to take chunks of raw data bitstream called frames from the layers above, send them over a radio signal by modulating that signal, and listen for other systems on the same network that are also sending and turn them back into frames that is then passes up. That is pretty much all WiFi does. It knows nothing of files. The protocols above it are the pieces that know about files. And it is up to the WP dev community to write apps that handle those higher protocols.

And if you cannot understand that, give up!
just tell me apps like superbeam n flash transfer possible or not for share files using wifi direct to other device which also uses same app??
please explain in easy way

Yes, possible. I've said so multiple times already.
And if you cannot understand that, give up!

You make it sound as if people who don't understand your explanations are stupid. I don't think that is fair.

All your explanations use a lot of networking related terminology that only IT folk will understand. As a result, those explanations are likely only comprehensible to those who already understand where WiFi direct fits in.

Most things tech related unfortunately aren't easily explained, at least if you really want to explain something and not just get people to jump on the bigger-number=better fallacy.
Superbeam app can be used for receiving large files on WP but vice versa is not possible as of now.

Sent from my Lumia.
Easy transfer is the best in wp! The closest you can get to superbeam. Everybody go download"Easy Transfer" .
SUPER feature that WiFi direct. "Easy transfer" app is SUPER. I don't use USB anymore to transfere pictures.
All your explanations use a lot of networking related terminology that only IT folk will understand. As a result, those explanations are likely only comprehensible to those who already understand where WiFi direct fits in.

OK, so I'll keep it simple.

Networking is built in layers, the convention being the first layer being at the bottom:

Layer 5
Layer 4
Layer 3
Layer 2
Layer 1

This is the reason people refer to network stacks, it is because the software that makes networking possible is stacked one layer on top of the other.

The important thing to realise is that each layer is only aware of the layers immediately above and below it. So Layer 2 is only aware of Layer 1 and Layer 3, it has no idea that Layers 4 or 5 even exist.

It also means that Layer 2 only needs to know about the form and structure of data that it could receive from Layer 1 and Layer 3, it doesn't have to know the form and structure of data coming from any layer. Which simplifies the coding for Layer 2. The word protocol means an agreed form and structure for passing data, so when people talk about a networking protocol, this is what they mean, and you'll see that most of the acronyms to do with networking have the letter P in them, it tends to be for the word Protocol (HTTP, TCP, IP, etc).

The whole reason for all this is that you can then swap in different software at each layer, and support multiple networking services over the same network. So if you only swap the top layer, Layer 5, you can run HTTP (Web), SMTP (Email), CIFS (Microsoft Windows File Sharing), Skype/VOIP, and a whole bunch of other services, over an identical stack of Layers 1-4. This is what makes the Internet so useful, its software has been built in layers that are essentially "plug and play", so it can used for so many different things, it can be extended and added to without breaking what already exists. So File Sharing services like Superbeam or AirDrop would be at Layer 5.

WiFi Direct is at Layers 1 and 2, in exactly the same place as normal WiFi, and cabled Ethernet. WiFi Direct takes the place of normal WiFi. Remember, you can swap out the software in a Layer and put something else in its place, without breaking other things. Layer 2 has no idea that Layer 5 even exists. This is the reason why having WiFi Direct doesn't immediately give you file sharing, it is a foundation that, many layers above, someone can build File Sharing on top of.
So, wifi direct is enabled in 8.1...does that mean it might be possible to pair an Xbox one controller?! Must know before I buy a moga :)
Wptorrent app is also able to send file to other phone or but only for local file and it work under lock screen too
WIFI direct is definitely possible in wp8 or 8.1. There is an app called wifi sender in wp store, but it costs 1$. Trial version of this app only allows to send files below 1 MB. To send files, you have to enable wifi tethering(internet sharing) i.e. make your windows phone as a wifi hotspot AND the other device or phone should be connected to your hotspot. After connection, choose a file which you want to send. This app creates a QR code which should be scanned from the other phones in their DEFAULT browser OR you can just enter the IP address of your wp. You will receive a download option in the other phone, so download it. This way of sharing files is kind of difficult but it still works. The downloading speed should be around 10 to 15 MB per second IF there is a strong connection between two devices.
Easy transfer is the best in wp! The closest you can get to superbeam. Everybody go download"Easy Transfer" .

Hi there, I have installed Easy Transfer on my Lumia 1020 WP8.1 GDR1 PD,
and tried Firefox and IE to open the phone photo library,
but it take a while to open the folder?! actually quite slow!!
Is it normal? And seems only can operate 1 file at a time?
Is there any best browser to operate, or anyway to make it more efficient?
Thanks in advance
Use wp torrent its much faster then easy transfer only problem is you need to save the data in the app

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