Wifi problem still not fixed??

You're off base.

The RROD would have been a bigger deal...

If MS wasn't ahead of Sony and Nintendo by almost a year with the XB360. A lot of users simply had no choice but to put up with it, unless they wanted to go back to playing their Playstation IIs and Original XBoxes.

Except a year lead didn't help the 360 establish a solid foothold. In fact, it routinely got outsold by the PS2. Sony's own blunders (pricing/getting hacked) helped the 360 way more. And despite the 360 having a strong 14 months, the PS3 isn't far behind. And lets not forget that both consoles were thoroughly trashed when the Wii was released. In fact, the Wii came out a year after the 360 and had absolutely no problem surpassing Microsoft. The 360 is a strong contender now but its for far more reasons than having a year lead.
Except a year lead didn't help the 360 establish a solid foothold. In fact, it routinely got outsold by the PS2. Sony's own blunders (pricing/getting hacked) helped the 360 way more. And despite the 360 having a strong 14 months, the PS3 isn't far behind. And lets not forget that both consoles were thoroughly trashed when the Wii was released. In fact, the Wii came out a year after the 360 and had absolutely no problem surpassing Microsoft. The 360 is a strong contender now but its for far more reasons than having a year lead.

Bragging that the PS3 is closing in now is absolutely pointless. The PS3 is catching the 360 now that it is EOL? Good for it. What happens when the loop his the market?
Bragging that the PS3 is closing in now is absolutely pointless. The PS3 is catching the 360 now that it is EOL? Good for it. What happens when the loop his the market?

Strong developer support will carry over to the next generation of consoles. That is what should of happened with the PS3, but Sony wasted the momentum they built with the PS2 by sacking the PS3 with an insane price tag and then getting hacked. When next gen finally rolls around, it's going to be harder for Microsoft to prove that they have a superior product if Sony has more/better games and similar features.
Strong developer support will carry over to the next generation of consoles. That is what should of happened with the PS3, but Sony wasted the momentum they built with the PS2 by sacking the PS3 with an insane price tag and then getting hacked. When next gen finally rolls around, it's going to be harder for Microsoft to prove that they have a superior product if Sony has more/better games and similar features.

Don't forget Sony has lied about everything and so far has removed nearly everything that the PS3 campaigned on. It will be interesting to see what happens in terms of hardware but Sony also has to do something about the trash they call "PSN". Microsoft's ace will still be XBL because unlike Sony they offer services to their developers which are invaluable. Its more cohesive all around.
Don't forget Sony has lied about everything and so far has removed nearly everything that the PS3 campaigned on. It will be interesting to see what happens in terms of hardware but Sony also has to do something about the trash they call "PSN". Microsoft's ace will still be XBL because unlike Sony they offer services to their developers which are invaluable. Its more cohesive all around.

Yeah, Sony removing Other OS ended baaaadly.
The point I was trying to make is that Android sales show that people will put up with an inferior product as long as the product has features they really want. Microsoft needs to work on mind share because it will go a lot further than squeaky clean. Which isn't to say that any company can release a completely broken product and still win the market, but consumers will put up with a lot as long as the experience as a whole is pleasing to them. Just look at what consumers went through with the RROD on the 360. It was a massive headache for nearly everyone, yet the 360 has been the sales leader for the past 14 months.

I see where you're coming from, and both yourself and N8ter have raised some good points, but I can't help but think the circumstances are quite different...

When Xbox first launched, it wasn't running PS1 hardware with little dev support. It barged it's way into the market with BIG titles, exclusives, and all the big game studios backing it. It would be like Windows Phone 7 (Nodo) being released with Windows 8 specs accompanied by serious dev support and all the mainstream apps already in the marketplace.

People will put up with a lot of crap IF the product is up there with the best. Don't get me wrong, I think Windows Phone IS up there for it's OS, but there's no denying we're fighting for dev, OEM, and carrier support.

Windows Phone will get there, but I still maintain that Microsoft need to 'win' people over with as many qualities as possible. In this day 'n age, people WILL up and leave Android/Apple over the smaller things - but only if there is a worthy contender ready to take them in.

Put the people first and the rest will take care of itself.
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I heard running the Spotify app in the background (not even signed in) keeps the wifi enabled when locked & unplugged, but is there another app that does his as well? I live in Canada and cannot download that app.
I heard running the Spotify app in the background (not even signed in) keeps the wifi enabled when locked & unplugged, but is there another app that does his as well? I live in Canada and cannot download that app.

Have you tried just any internet radio-type app? I'd suggest some, but I have no idea which ones are available in Canada...

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