Will the Redfly work with the Samsung Omnia i910?


New member
Jun 4, 2008
I currently have a Q9m and the Redfly work great with it. But it is time to upgrade and it looks like I am going to get the new Verizon Samsung Omnia i910. The Omnia has a 400x240 WQVGA screen. Are you, or will there be drivers available in the next few weeks?

I am definitely willing to beta test!
We’re in the early stages of testing the Omnia right now. It is one of a handful of phones that are high on the priority list after we release final drivers for the HTC Touch Pro and Touch Diamond. There are some problems with the Omnia’s today screen but hopefully they can be worked out. While we can’t guarantee a driver in the future, we’re fairly optimistic that we will support the phone. However, don’t expect Omnia drivers anytime in the next few weeks – it could be a few months before beta drivers are ready. I’ll update you when I know more.

miata492, I’ve noted you on my list of people interested in beta testing the Omnia.
I will definitely be getting my Omnia within the next 2 weeks so I will be looking forward to getting my Redfly working with it. It looks like the Omnia is already a very good seller with VZW so hopefully we wont have to wait a few months for he drivers! I look forward to beta testing!
I personally haven't tried the Omnia with a REDFLY, but I've heard from our testing dept that the main problem right now is with the Omnia's custom Today Screen (many of the core apps work just fine).

You could try installing any 6.1 driver (make sure it's one for a phone with a touch screen like the Treo Pro or Tilt) from the normal install page at http://www.celiocorp.com/install/ or it would most likely work a bit better if you installed the latest build of the Touch Pro/Diamond/Xperia beta located at http://www.celiocorp.com/install/beta/

You can always uninstall the driver from the phone if it causes problems. We haven't ever truly bricked a phone with the REDFLY driver, but it's always a good idea to make sure you are backed up in case you have to do a hard reset (not common but could happen with a beta driver).

Keep checking that http://www.celiocorp.com/install/beta/ page for a mention of the Omnia because once it is listed there, the driver posted will work much better (a true beta).
My experience is not with the Omnia but with the Samsung Saga. Even though that phone is supposed to be very similar to the Epix, I have found that every WMPro beta driver I have tried leaves the phone unusable. After the Verizon Wireless splash screen, the phone screen goes blank. Only a hard reset gets me back to a functional state. So if you are trying a driver on an unsupported device you should be prepared for that possibility. I am hopeful that there will be a working driver for the Saga in the not too distant future.
I've got a Unlocked i900 Omnia and a Redfly C8 I bought a couple of months ago. I've been using the 400mhz Touch Driver and it seems to work ok. The home screen is a bit garbled but everything else works pretty good. Only down side is the Redfly driver causes the camera application to lock up the phone and require a soft reset with the stylus or remove the battery. I deal dont use the camera as much as the Redfly.

Has anyone tried the Epix Driver on the Omnia? both Wmo6.1 both have that homescreen. I'd be willing to give it a try just need the driver.
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I got my Omnia last Saturday, exchanged the 1st one Monday, the Second one Tuesday, and recevied and returned the 3rd one yesterday. Pretty much the worst phone I ever had. I was really suprised. I had 25 missed calls between the 3 of them. Had real bad signal strength issues. I have a Saga i770 being delivered to me today. I am now starting to wonder why I ever wanted to switch from my trusty Q9m!
That sucks, I dont have a whole lot of problems with mine, but its a unbranded one so no Verizon bloatware. Sorry it didn't work out for ya.
We're close on a beta Omnia driver. Should be posted within about two weeks. That build should also include some significant changes for all of the beta phones.
Sweet I was getting ready to sell my RF in lieu of my Stowaway BT Keyboard, but man i like the lil guy.

Thanks for the good news!
.93 Its better than using the 400 Touch driver but the Camera Crash bug keeps my Redfly on the shelf and my BT keyboard with me for the time being, I fear I may end up with a new phone before a "Gold" version is up.

Thanks CK for all the hard work leaps and bounds as far as the support list for your device.
Yes, the Omnia beta is up, let us know what you think...

I am new to the Redfly and forum, so maybe I am missing something obvious; but when I go to the link, I don't see any mention of the Omnia. Has it been removed? Since I am using my Redfly, is there a difference between the PC and mobile pages? In any event, has any progress been made since February on the camera problem?

I really like my i760, but a faster processor and (especially) more memory are tempting.

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