Will Windows Central survive the death of Windows Mobile?

I go to Windows Central for Windows 10 and Xbox news and info. Microsoft may have lost the mobile phone war, but they're winning the tablet and 2 in 1 war. Xbox is also very successful, second only to Sony. Sony has to be aggressively successful. PlayStation is there only profitable business left. Microsoft has Office, Xbox, cloud services, Minecraft(still wildly successful), LinkedIn(half a billion users and growing),and enterprise services. Long story short, Windows Central isn't going anywhere.
Came here for Windows Phone 8 news and completely fine with them covering more Microsoft topics as I own a couple Xbox Ones and a couple Surface Pros. I'll be here if smartphones running Windows officially dies. I like reading the other ecosystem news. I do not, like Android this or iOS that. I understand that since Microsoft sells the Galaxy S8, its going to be talked about, but this is Windows Central and that phone runs Android. I'm going to be using my Lumia 950 until it breaks or until Microsoft officially pulls the plug. I'll stick around as long as this website stays Windows focused. Once it gets too far gone, then I'm out. While Mobile may be the reason why the majority of us are here, things come and go, but we do have other devices we all love to hear about and use such as Surface.
I do not think Windows smart phones are dead because Microsoft still PAYS PEOPLE to make updates for Windows 10 Mobile and Windows and Windows 10 mobile insider Builds. Terry Myerson a BIG Microsoft VP says Microsoft will not give up Windows smart phones now because to star from scratch would be too costly. Right now a lot of people including me want Microsoft to make at least "One" good flagship windows 10'mobile smart phone to replace the 950 or 950 XL. for now it appears that Microsoft is just making software for Windows 10 mobile smart phones and letting it's OEM partners make the Physical Windows 10 Mobile smart phones like back in the days of Windows phone 7 & 8
I think that Microsoft should make it's own model of Windows 10 mobile smart phone for the following reasons. 1= Microsoft shows it supports it's own product. 2=Microsoft show the best way to use Windows 10 Mobile software. 3= there are people and businesses who use Windows smart phones who want updated models of them and are willing to pay for them
I use iPhone because my family and coworkers all use iPhone. iMessage and Facetime are simply more convenient than Skype (and they work better).

But I will ALWAYS use my desktop computer far more than my phone, and it will ALWAYS be Windows. I have tried, many times, to use MacOS. And I am sorry, but it sucks. Bad. How anyone uses a Mac (outside of Bootcamp) is beyond me.
What is the problem, I'm very sure Windows 10 for phones will survive, just wait for a much better future, something is going on.
I came here when I switched from android to my Lumia Icon running Win 8. Have switched my daily user to iPhone 6s only because of the lack of new Windows Phone with VZW. Still use my Icon for somethings and come to site daily to stay updated on all things Windows. Holding out hope that MS will eventually bring us a new flagship phone that VZW will carry. BTW running latest update through insider preview on icon and it works flawlessly. Big disappointment that I won't receive any further updates.
I started coming to Windows Central for general Windows news. I bought my first Windows Mobile phone last week (Lumia 640 xl) and have been playing around with it.

Would I still come to Windows Central? Of course!
I'm a BlackBerry refugee currently using an iPhone SE. I follow WC because I'm primarily interested in Windows Mobile, but my interest in Windows 10 for desktops/laptops/tablets has been increasing over the past few weeks.

I'm not interested in Xbox at all and only play a handful of PC games regularly (World of Tanks, StarCraft, Final Fantasy VII, Skyrim), so I don't really care about the Xbox coverage, but I don't mind it.

At work I've been trying out Windows 10 on a desktop with a 3-monitor setup. Before that I was using a MacBook Pro (running macOS) with 2 monitors. I wanted to see how the workflows on each setup compare. So far I'm really enjoying Windows 10. And I don't even have the CU because I'm on Win10 Enterprise and it hasn't been rolled out yet. I appreciate the inherent strengths and acknowledge the weaknesses of each platform and I wish I could use them both simultaneously!

I really hope that Microsoft can find a way to bridge the convergence gap that still exists. All I have wanted for years is a single smartphone-sized device that I can dock with tablet, laptop, or desktop hardware and drive a full-featured, powerful experience with each form factor.

I see things like Continuum and Windows on ARM and it makes me really hopeful that dream will someday become reality.

But I also know personal computing is constantly changing and evolving and anything can happen. I will be extremely disappointed if I never see an "Ultramobile Pocket PC" running Windows on ARM that also happens to have phone and SMS capabilities.

Whatever happens to Windows Mobile, I think there's plenty of Microsoft-related things for Windows Central to that interests me, so I'll continue to follow it!
There is lots of things going on with and coming out of Microsoft that I think Windows Central will still be here for quite awhile if Windows phone/ Windows 10 Mobile dies. I like reading the articles on Windows phone, but I don't come for anything specific. I like it all :)
When I was a daily Windows Phone user, "Windows Phone" news was my favorite Microsoft news...Windows Central, Thurrott, Windows Weekly...it was my absolute favorite news because I totally loved the phone. Windows Phone was an absolute JOY to use. I used the 928 and Lumia ICON and the ICON was my favorite. The camera rocked.

About the fall of 2015, when it was finally confirmed that Verizon would not get the 950XL and all Verizon would have left would be the underwhelming Lumia 735, I had to move on from Windows Phone. It was an agonizing few months going from Windows Phone to Android. It wasn't that I hated Android but I loved Windows Phone so much more. Swapped between my ICON and Note 5 over and over before finally settling with Android.

Today, I used a Pixel XL with Arrow Launcher, Bing as default search engine and Cortana as default "assistant." It is the best "Windows Phone" I can use as of now.
I think they saw this coming when they changed the name of the site from Windows Phone Central to just Windows Central. However, they may want to take it another step and name it Microsoft Central (although they probably can't), since they cover more than just Windows. Microsoft is not going away, neither is this site.
Windows Central assured its survival as a Microsoft-centred site the moment it stopped being "Windows Phone Central". And I think we can all agree that Windows and Microsoft aren't going anywhere.

As for the amount of comments in WP related articles, sure, if you look at them, they're also normally click-bait articles. Specially the editorials trying to sell you Windows Phone isn't dead. But no matter the content, they generate ad-revenue. Because the more people spend time in the page being served ads, the more it generates the site money.

So even when Microsoft officially announces what has been a reality for more than a year now - Windows Phone's death - there will still be people coming for other Windows and Xbox related articles. And I would be surprised if the articles about Windows Phone would stop.

At the end of the day, Mobile Nations IS a business. So don't worry. They've got the death of Windows Phone covered in their financials. You'd sooner see the death of Crackberry than Windows Central ;)
I only ask because a quick look at the comments statistics on articles reveals that they go through the roof on most Windows Mobile subjects but sometimes barely raise an eyebrow on other more general Microsoft matters. It shouldn't be forgotten that up until a couple of years ago this website was essentially devoted to Windows Phone and only started diversifying when they saw the writing on the wall. I suspect that most readers are still only here because they had a Windows Phone/Mobile phone at one time or another.

Considering Windows Central was the foremost authority on Windows Phone/Mobile and less so than traditional Windows my visits will likely drop. There are a lot more websites that cover Windows but Windows Central was the more thorough, and professional, than other sites in regards to mobile.
Perhaps if Windows phone central hadn't been cheerleading every stupid move Microsoft made, and trying so hard to convince their readers that every stupid move and areas of neglect were actually a good thing, Microsoft wouldn't have continued down their mobile path of destruction. So now shuttering the website with a redirect to Android central is the next step? The best mobile OS destroyed from the inside.
I've come to this site every day since the debut of Windows Phone 7. I was a Palm Pre faithful. The site will survive.
I've never even considered a Windows phone. Tiles do nothing for me. I come here because I'm a PC guy, and an Xbox guy, and this site is a decent source of news and articles for both of those platforms.
If course it will... It's Windows central it includes phones Xbox, pc....Windows phone central wouldn't have survived tho

Sent from Idol 4s
I follow this blog on every channel (including the 'News' app on my iPhone). I'm into Microsoft and the broader Windows ecosystem. So ya, I'll keep reading regardless of the state of W10M. This may be blasphemy on this blog, but I've lost interest in W10M since I had to give up my Lumia.

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