Well, the problem is bigger than this simples app.
1 - Nowadays the android rules the market of smartphones. People are used to work and play with the Android OS. Imagine if Google make a Desktop OS with the same interface (that is happen at this momment). The young ones will migrate fast to this new OS, making Microsoft lose not just the smartphone market (that are running low now) but the Desktop market too. They dont do the right attention to a great market and will lose more than just the smartphone market. For example, nowadays people access more internet from a smartphone than a regular PC. Today Microsoft are the leader of the PC market, but tomorrow who knows?
2 - Microsoft saying that the windows mobile focus are productivity, but will the lack of app and updated app, why to continuous using it? To productivity we need to know what is happening in the world, for example, you may gain money with this pokemon go fever if you know it by selling toys, creating thematic partys, and so on.
3 - Even a decent GPS we have now on Windows 10.
4 - They saying about Hololens and Xbox, so the focus are to make Microsoft a Game producer? They forget that the base for all is the O.S. and people now know and learning fast how to work with other O.S than Windows