Will You Upgrade to Lumia 1525 from 1520?

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I phone is terrible. I bought one, so did my mate and they just died for no reason. not been dropped ever, not got wet. my lumia 1520 is perfect. really cant ask for anything else in the phone. people hype about the 3D touch screen, yet when Nintendo released the 3DS people complained as they felt sick. iPhone fan boys are saying "look...we have a fingerprint scanner" I say "if your that ******** to lose it then you need a scanner" personally, the 1520 is better then an iPhone. I put one next to my phone and laughed. it really looked like a fischer price toy lol

Were you dropped much as a child?

What happened to your iPhones are isolated incidents that happens even on Windows Phone devices.

Fingerprint scanning is a really good addition and saves you from the hassle of typing your password each time you unlock, it provides for a whole new level of security and ease of use.

3D touch is different from a a 3D display, I'm not sure where Nokia is going with this technology but it's not for 3D displays which have failed badly in the past.
yes. ^^^^ I doubt people iPhone folks are bothered about SD card slot, MicroUSB, IPS display, screen size, Bluetooth support, Clearblack, Glance, Double tap to wake, camera button lol.. Its so funny.

When I get the 5.5" iPhone 6/air? Yes I'll definitely miss Glance and Double tap to wake as they're highly used and valued by me but that's about all tbh. I'll be too busy being happy with all the quality apps I've missed
When the Verge originally said that iPhone 5S was the best phone money can buy and though I was against it at first I slowly realized why.

Apple spends time in perfecting almost everything from hardware to software.
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I could point out the fact that I've barely ever seen someone buy an iPhone and regret it. Windows Phone lack apps, fingerprint scanner, fast camera, 64 bit processor, etc.

MKBHD uploaded a video on YouTube about the new iPhone 6's glass, it is 4.7 inches and almost indestructible.
Apps- agreed. Finger print scanner-support added in 8.1, only a phone sporting the feature is yet to be released.Fast camera-are you crazy! My 620 take photos faster than an iPhone, just press and hold the camera button when locked, and take an image. iPhone was never meant for photography, the lack of a camera button proves it. The shutter lag is present only on 1020.fixes for this issue are in cyan. 64 bit processor -Oh please, tell me one useful application of this feature.It is just a gimmick. It has only one Gb of ram, and I don't see that amount increasing to more than 4 Gb in iPhone 6, iFanboy.
But one thing is fact IPHONE get Boring after few months because we can't change anything

Boring,unable to change anything?

Hmm...letmesee...wrong and wrong on both accounts.

Ever hear about jail breaking...there is plenty to change with them...as too boring,well,different strokes for different folks,but you have to define what exactly is boring about it...

As to what someone else said about it's camera,it's a lot better for some folks,and takes some nice pictures.

It's obviously apparent some folks love to hate anything that isn't Windows and look for reasons to express their biases.

The new iPhones will be excellent phones,and their apps fully polished and their music and video player blows anything WP has out of the water...and they have alot more...Sigh...if our phones were as good,that would be 1 thing,but come on...they aren't and if folks wanted to be brutally honest these rabid WP fanatics would not be said.

The only thing WP has over them is price....and screen size right now,and screen size won't be a factor in a few months.
Get the 1520 as its out now and with launch phones you never know how ling the next will be delayed till. I have the 1520 and Love it 😊
Boring,unable to change anything?

Hmm...letmesee...wrong and wrong on both accounts.

Ever hear about jail breaking...there is plenty to change with them...as too boring,well,different strokes for different folks,but you have to define what exactly is boring about it...

As to what someone else said about it's camera,it's a lot better for some folks,and takes some nice pictures.

It's obviously apparent some folks love to hate anything that isn't Windows and look for reasons to express their biases.

The new iPhones will be excellent phones,and their apps fully polished and their music and video player blows anything WP has out of the water...and they have alot more...Sigh...if our phones were as good,that would be 1 thing,but come on...they aren't and if folks wanted to be brutally honest these rabid WP fanatics would not be said.

The only thing WP has over them is price....and screen size right now,and screen size won't be a factor in a few months.
IPhone had the same UI since 2007. It only recently changed in ios7. They made the icons flatter and removed the shadows, making it look like..... Windows Phone. As for screen size,iPeople said that 3.5 inches is the perfect size for almost 6 years. Why the sudden change now huh? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. And judging by your talk, you are clearly an apple ******. Just get over it, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Apple has run out of innovation.
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I'm not an Apple ******, I'm an Android and Windows Phone enthusiast but I give credit where credit is due.

So I'm going to take the time to dissect your argument.

As far as fingerprint sensors go, it's good that it has been added in Windows Phone 8.1 but what I appreciate about Apple was that it's fingerprint sensor saves time and is fully integrated into the home button, unlike recent attempts from HTC and Samsung. So Apple currently has the best fingerprint detection, and since WP still doesn't have a phone with fingerprint detection, you shouldn't argue.

I swear your a special kind of ******** if you think Lumia 620 has faster shutter speed than iPhones, ever since iPhone 4 Apple has been using continuous focus to ensure lightning fast photo capture, your talking about Lumia 620, not even the 1520 can match the iPhone's sheer camera speed. Use an iPhone 5S and then talk to me.

What makes you think iPhone wasn't meant for photography? The lock screen shortcut to the camera app works faster than the dedicated shutter button to launch into Nokia Camera on WP, so for almost everything iPhone beats Lumia 1520 in the camera department, except maybe for photo sharpness. Oh and the shutter lag and focusing delays are present on all Windows Phones, they are just most apparent on 1020.

Yes 64 bit may not have many benefits as yet but it paves the way for future app compatibility, iOS is also optimized for 64 bit whereas I doubt Windows Phone is yet. But okay I guess, I agree 64 bit has no real value at the moment and by the time 64 bit will become important in the mobile industry, iPhone 5S would have already become very outdated.

Lumia Cyan plans to add faster shot-to-shot times and continuous focusing but sadly these features are not coming for all Lumias but only the high end ones. So don't be so excited.

As far as customisation goes, yes iOS is behind Android and Windows Phone, I agree. But still they are catching up.

But if you see the bigger picture iPhones are usually the only phones with zero compromises and perfection everywhere.

Is the Lumia 1520 a stellar device? Yes it is amazing, is there any chance it'll hold up against iPhone 6? No way. Sorry.
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Thanks Alot. It's coming after 2 Days Omg Already Dying 😂

Haha I never meant to fight I was just recommending to wait for either 1525 or iPhone 6 however I don't want you to feel bad about your purchase.

The Lumia 1520 is an exceptional device with an amazing camera, which the Cyan update will improve drastically and also pretty good hardware.

Have fun with it bro!
No I mean I just don't like Design of iPhones sorry just iPhones not my type just life galaxies. Tbh I didn't like 925 also because of that awful design. 1520 is great and I am from Pakistan so ill wait for 1020 successor not 1520's If 1020's successor comes in November as rumors say than IT will be available in my country maybe in March than ill Wait for 2 or months for all review and feedback than buy it
@salmanahmed You still lose on the camera point. Take 2 phones-a Lumia 620 and an iPhone 4s. Both are locked, screen off. Take a picture simultaneously on both. On the Lumia, you just long press the button and press the camera button again to take the picture. And I'm not talking about Nokia camera, I'll talking about the default camera app. On iPhone, you press the power button, then slide on the lock screen, then tap to focus, and tap again to take the picture. I took a picture from the Lumia without even touching the screen. Now tell me honestly, which is faster? ******.
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No I mean I just don't like Design of iPhones sorry just iPhones not my type just life galaxies. Tbh I didn't like 925 also because of that awful design. 1520 is great and I am from Pakistan so ill wait for 1020 successor not 1520's If 1020's successor comes in November as rumors say than IT will be available in my country maybe in March than ill Wait for 2 or months for all review and feedback than buy it

925 had a nice design. 😞

I believe the McLaren device which is coming in a few months may just be the 1020 successor, but not sure . I'm Pakistani too 😃
S Vaibhav, Take iPhone 4S and Lumia 620. Shoot a pic on both. 4S auto focuses really fast. Lumia 620 is a lot slower. If you keep tapping on your screen for photos, 4S will be faster every time. .
Haha. I do not think you've ever used an iPhone.

The thing about Windows Phone is that due to background tasks on different occasions the camera apps launch either quickly or slowly. I myself have a Lumia 520, which has the same processor as the 620. I have personally used both the Stock Camera and Nokia Camera. And even if you launch the camera app via the dedicated shutter button it doesn't launch that fast. In addition to this the shutter buttons provided on Lumia 520 and 620 are pretty terrible and using them often results in blur, so it's better to have a faster camera on the lock screen than it is to make a dedicated shutter button.

But for the sake of the argument let's say 620 opens the camera faster, that's just half the story. Even if 620 opens the camera faster you will tap either the shutter button(or the on screen one) and the phone will first start focusing and then start taking a photo, if you keep pressing the shutter button on the 620 or the 4S, the 4S will consistently take faster photos because it uses continuous focus.

The same argument applies to iPhone 5S vs. Lumia 1520. iPhone simply has a faster camera.

Something else I've realized about Lumia cameras as well is that the phone often doesn't take a stellar photo by itself, you have to change the exposure settings, the white balance, etc. and if you manage to do all that than your going to get better photos than the iPhone however if you want a shooter for everyday tasks and want it to be fast, iPhone all the way.

I myself will never purchase an iPhone, but if it is better, I will admit it.
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@salmanahmed and broar94 I really appreciate your views, but still you are missing one main point. I can take photos WITHOUT focusing directly on Lumia. Is it possible on iPhone? I don't think so, because a family member of mine owns one. Please clarify and tell your views. Now which is faster?Also,90% of the time the image is quite good even if I don't focus.
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