Win10 splitscreen manager..


New member
Mar 13, 2014
I'm not sure if there's any way of doing this but here goes!

Is there any way to save a splitscreen (Windows Snap) setup and recall it later so it loads the apps and the splitscreen setup in one go?

For example, I might like to save a screen consisting of 50% MS Edge and 50% Excel as one snapshot and 30% Notepad and 70% Publisher as another snapshot etc etc.

I'd then like to just choose 'Snaphot1" or "Snaphot2" and have the respective screen setups load automatically with the correct apps in place.

Is there a way to do this?

Many thanks!
Well you can have two desktops running separate things if that's what you meant but that only sticks while the PC is on. Once you turn it off you need to rearrange that but yeah it can be done.
You can access desktops by pressing the multitasking button and navigate to the lower right side of the screen where you can see a button "New desktop". Then you can move apps from the multitasking view to the either of desktops you created.
I'm aware of this but I was wondering if there was a better / more permanent way of doing it as I'd rather not have to go through the hassle of setting it all up every time!

I don't believe that's possible quite yet... it would be really great to have but for now we can only hope to have a feature like that.
I'm not sure if there's any way of doing this but here goes!

Is there any way to save a splitscreen (Windows Snap) setup and recall it later so it loads the apps and the splitscreen setup in one go?

For example, I might like to save a screen consisting of 50% MS Edge and 50% Excel as one snapshot and 30% Notepad and 70% Publisher as another snapshot etc etc.

I'd then like to just choose 'Snaphot1" or "Snaphot2" and have the respective screen setups load automatically with the correct apps in place.

Is there a way to do this?

Many thanks!

This is what you can use to do what you want..

What is it?
AutoHotkey is a free, open-source scripting language for Windows that allows users to easily create small to complex scripts for all kinds of tasks..

Sounds scary right? It kinda like making a batch file (from the old days) to load up what you want.
Autohotkey gives you the freedom to automate any desktop task.

So in my opinion this would be the easiest way to do what you want.. Once you figure out and understand HOW you will be able to do this for any programs or combination of programs you want to open.

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