Windows 10 10581 bricked phone, how can I fix it?

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Windows Central Question

Windows 10 10581 bricked phone

I own a Nokia Lumia 920. I was on insider build 10571 (500 something, basically the last build that didn't require a reset back to 8.1 to upgrade). I attempted to upgrade to build 10581 released yesterday. At first the install failed inside the settings app. The next day it offered to restart. I hit restart and the phone powered down like normal. When it got to the spinning gears, it got to approx. 5%, then it showed a large ":-(" on the screen. Now it's stuck in this boot, gears, fail face, restart. WPRT and LRT won't recognize it, boot cycle or holding vol+ to enter flash mode. Phone was not rooted, neither did it contain any "unofficial" builds. Thanks for your help!


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Jun 24, 2013
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Re: Windows 10 10581 bricked phone

I own a Nokia Lumia 920. I was on insider build 10571 (500 something, basically the last build that didn't require a reset back to 8.1 to upgrade). I attempted to upgrade to build 10581 released yesterday. At first the install failed inside the settings app. The next day it offered to restart. I hit restart and the phone powered down like normal. When it got to the spinning gears, it got to approx. 5%, then it showed a large ":-(" on the screen. Now it's stuck in this boot, gears, fail face, restart. WPRT and LRT won't recognize it, boot cycle or holding vol+ to enter flash mode. Phone was not rooted, neither did it contain any "unofficial" builds. Thanks for your help!

First of all, there's no root/unofficial builds for W10M as of now.
I think you should try Product Support Tool, which comes with Nokia Care Suite 5. I always use it to flash my 920. Use NaviFirm to download your firmware and use Product Support Tool to flash it.
You should know, that you'll be flashing back to 8.1. You can then update to 10.

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