Windows 10 caused Windows 7 to have black screen of death with mouse pointer. How can I fix this?

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Windows Central Question

Windows 10 caused windows 7 to have black screen of death with mouse pointer.

Hi All
I wonder if someone has come across this before:

Here is my set up; 2 SDD drives one with Win 7 x64 and one with Win 10 x64. A clean install of Win 10 on the new SDD drive went well. I could boot either to 7 or 10 depending on my boot setup in the BIOS.
At one point having booted in to Win 10, I tried to access my Win 7 drive and I could see the Win 7 file structure, then I tried to go into my folder 'My Documents' to access a file - immediately I got a warning from Win 10 saying I havent got permission - to be honest I didnt read the message properly, I clicked OK - not sure to what (usual access I thought), I thought to 'cannot access' but it may have asked to change folder access? I dont know - the result is that immediately after that when I couldnt get to the file (on my Win 7 My Docs via Win 10) I restarted the PC to boot into my Win 7, the result was black screen of death and a mouse pointer - no CTRL+ALT+DEL, nothing does anything.

Things I know:
I am sure there are no issues with the hard drive itself, as trying to boot into 7, it gets to the BSD with mouse pointer pretty quick without any issues.
CHKDSK shows no error at all.
I don?t think there is an issue with Boot sector, MBR or partition table.
I suspect Win 10 changed some kind of permission or changed something that caused this.

I have tried the following:
Win repair cant repair it, system restore cannot find any restore point at all where there are plenty.

Using the DOS, I have tried to reset the permissions using icacls command (found on the net where it fixed similar issue)

Current status: If I boot in Win 10 in My Computer my Win 7 drive cannot be accessed, none of the right click options work not even Properties, where it shows the drive all in blue (used) with 0 as size (similar to a corrupt USB memory stick). So I cannot run any fix/repair from right clicking the drive.

I put the drive in my other PC and tried Win 7, the same thing ? no access, then rebooted in to Linux and I can see and access every file and folder, so they are all there but inaccessible in Windows.

So I think something happened when I clicked My Doc (on my win 7) from Win 10.

I would like to get my 7 back, so I would be grateful for any input you may have to fix this issue.


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