Windows 10 clean install woes

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Dec 13, 2013
So i did a clean install of windows 10. All files removed etc. I now can't activate. There is a key already in and when i try to enter my windows 8.1 key I get an invalid key error. Any advice? The only thing i can think of is trying pro as i have home on or reverting back to 8.1 somehow (I have no iso file) and then upgrading to windows 10
You need a Windows 10 key, not a Windows 8.1 key.

If you upgrade Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 your computer will get a Windows 10 key, which you can see by using Keyfinder for example ( When you have your key written down you can do a fresh install/reformat the computer etc.

Hope this helps.
I think i know what I've done. I had build 10240 on then I updated to the win 10 home iso. I think it's using the insider key or just a standard key that wont activate. It won't activate using my windows 8.1 key as its never upgraded to windows 10 from 8.1. I either need to go back to 10240 and stay an insider forever or revert all the way back to 8.1 and upgrade to get a valid key. Nothing's ever simple 😁
My only problem now is I cant find a legal ISO link for windows 8.1 or build 10240. Not sure If links can be posted in here but if they can can someone help me out or point me in the right direction. Can't find my original recovery discs but i have my original key
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