Windows 10 issues since January 2016 onwards ?


New member
Feb 1, 2016
Hi All,

I've just got some complaints from my users regarding the below issue the top#4 most annoying problem in Windows 10 on any hardware:

  1. The Surface doesn?t go into sleep mode properly went you close the cover keyboard, then the Surface tablet temperature becomes super hot.
  2. The Surface won?t wake up or turn on after the Surface went into sleep mode.
  3. When you dock in, you cannot see the log in screen user name and password for Surface Pro 4
  4. Search bar next to windows button / start menu is not working (disabled) for some of the laptop users

From what I suspect that some people runs the Windows Update manually to the latest version 10586 and the majority are still on 10240.

Are those problem fixed in the latest build ? If yes, what is the latest build number and how to get them ?
Do you think is it safe to perform upgrade for all 10240 to the latest 10586 companywide on normal PC/Laptop or even on Surface hardware ?

Thanks in advance.
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