Windows 10 Mobile build 15215 Discussion (Redstone 3; Fast Ring)

L950, ATT
Am I the only one with the occasional failure to reconnect to WiFi? This is a long time issue with many past builds and I (again) gave up and reverted to the released CU build since if I don't notice I am not on WiFi when I should be, I use up my cell data. That is not acceptable for my daily driver and never EVER happens on my Android (Nexus 5X) phone.


I have this issue on my 950XL, but I see this behavior often on my Desktop, Surface Pro and Surface Book, which makes me believe that there is a broader re-construction MSFT is working on. Actually, MSFT has been giving me Bluetooth, WiFi, and just general connectivity issues (on one device, or another) since the introduction of W10 back in July 2015.
Hopefully the idea of "feature2" is to fix those nagging issues before re-introducing W10M back into RS3

What nagging issues have they fixed lately? But one can always hope ;) Actually, I see it as the derailing of Windows Mobile onto a side track in preparation for its demise, while the rest of Windows forges ahead. I hope I am wrong.

What nagging issues have they fixed lately? But one can always hope ;) Actually, I see it as the derailing of Windows Mobile onto a side track in preparation for its demise, while the rest of Windows forges ahead. I hope I am wrong.


For me, quite a few actually. They fixed an issue I was having where my phone took a long, long time to turn off from the "goodbye" screen. The Glance screen was displaying the wrong time and they fixed that. My EDGE doesn't keep reloading webpages every 30 or 40 seconds anymore. For a while, I was unable to connect new devices to bluetooth. And my alarms were not working if my phone was in quiet hours.

Although, the argument could be made that none of those issues should have even made it out into the wild to begin with...
New update available: 16212.1001 rs-iot.170531-1800 (UUP-CTv2)...downloading now!
@Kerry2112, so I have downloaded and installed, but not 'Restarted' yet... is there a way to delete this status, and stay at 15215? what do you recommend???

Thanks, Mike

Not sure. I have seen people on here who have soft reset during the download but I suspect in your case if you do that you will trigger the bootloop. Maybe see if anyone else more knowledgeable than me weighs in. If not, try soft reset (and pray).

@Kerry2112, Thank you for the link:) I have decided to put my 950XL on pause for a week, so the update doesn't finish the update process, and will give it that week to see if MSFT will come up with a Delete & Replace option. If at the time (one week) nothing is available, I will do a reset per this link:

On a side note, I have been trying to go by the MSFT Store and getting a replacement for a week now, because my Camera has not been working correctly for a while... and a fellow Insider has proven it is a hardware issue, and not software. This current predicament has inspired me to drive the 100 miles (round trip), sooner than later:)

Thanks again, Mike
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I'm back on this again ..


Sent from mTalk on 950XL
@camaroz1985, just got back from the local Microsoft Store with a new 950XL (maybe refurbished: brown box, they used my back and battery, and a year warranty:), setting it up now! I will check the camera as soon as I am able, and report back to you. I know one thing that is fixed for sure, and that is the navigation screen burn-in on the OLED display:wink:
@camaroz1985, just got back from the local Microsoft Store with a new 950XL (maybe refurbished: brown box, they used my back and battery, and a year warranty:), setting it up now! I will check the camera as soon as I am able, and report back to you. I know one thing that is fixed for sure, and that is the navigation screen burn-in on the OLED display:wink:

That is one awesome news, keeping fingers and toes crossed for you!

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