Windows 10 Mobile build 15240 Discussion (Fast Ring)

Some quick observations since I've only been on this build for a couple of days.

Battery life is still stellar. Double tap to wake is constipated, won't do sh*t. Fingerprint scanner is noticeably quicker so I might stick with it.

Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk
Exact same issue today during a run:(

Had another one last night which caused my alarm to not go off. What's strange to me is this is an issue which I haven't seen for the last 3 builds. Now it is back again. The last build was perfect for me. HP Elite X3
Had another one last night which caused my alarm to not go off. What's strange to me is this is an issue which I haven't seen for the last 3 builds. Now it is back again. The last build was perfect for me. HP Elite X3

When I am out for a walk using my Bluetooth headphones - about 30 minutes in my connection is lost on my X3. Never happened on the 950XL.
Can you try to hover over the icon, wait for the popup that shows outlook in a little thumbnail, right click on the thumbnail icon and say maximize or restore?

Not on continuum, bu I have 3 monitors and sometimes it gets mixed up and shrunk to a really small windows not visible anywhere. Making it maximize seems to fix it for me.

Thanks for making your suggestion, but you do not have the option to right click on the thumbnail. At least I have not been able to. The outline of the program appears for a fraction of a second and then goes away.
I started using a new sony bt headset today.
Now when the bt is connected I can't access ringer volume or media volume using the side buttons.I see only the bluetooth sound slider.When I disconnect the bt the ringer and video sound sliders reappear...
Is it only me?
Any working solution ?

FWIW, I believe that is normal. At least as far back as I can remember.
When I am out for a walk using my Bluetooth headphones - about 30 minutes in my connection is lost on my X3. Never happened on the 950XL.
My Band 2 stopped sending notifications after a few minutes and all the uninstalls and re-pairings in the world didn't do squat. Back on official 15063.540 and order is restored.

Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk
Unfortunately for me, I have now gone back to production ring. I got fed up with the constant restarts when unlocking the phone, the poor battery life, shoddy scrolling in apps (e.g. Windows Central) and the recurring lockups when the phone is just dead.

Hopefully MS can fix this. Good luck everyone.
Not particularly thrilled with last two builds. Neither has been as smooth as the two builds that preceded them. A couple of resets on 15240. A few days ago I received a message that there was no sim card present, WC app force closed and phone rebooted. Signal returned briefly then disappeared. I panicked - slightly - switched to my S8. After tiring of that(as much as I like Android) I switched to my back-up 950 on RP. It works fairly well and battery life is quite good(it isn't as old as my ATT 950) but I wanted to get back to my primary 950. So far its working though I did get another reboot. And scrolling is no where as smooth as it should be.
augustaville - same thing happens to me. After I open phone app and delete missed call, then, and only then, does it show on tile.
mtf1380 - a late recognition for your Pelican Story. Good job! And glad you got a new 950xl.

el mono
L950, ATT
Yesterday I had a missed call and an accompanying voicemail. When I listened to and then deleted the voicemail via Visual Voicemail, the voicemail icon still showed on the dialer tile as well as the lock screen. It was still there this morning. It only went away after I manually dialed voicemail (which said I had no messages).

Double tap.. it erratic
Project to laptop, also erratic
Battery drain on Edge (ok, it's common knowledge)
Photos app won't launch. Several unresponsive episodes. Actually, I never encountered lag with the photo app on this build, until I tried HDR, then it seems to start being unresponsive.

... !
Lockups are occuring more frequently now. Had one last night which caused my alarm to not go off. Just had another one from simply putting it in the cradle. I may just have to roll back to production.
HP Elite X3 US
Lockups are occuring more frequently now. Had one last night which caused my alarm to not go off. Just had another one from simply putting it in the cradle. I may just have to roll back to production.
HP Elite X3 US

Funny thing. On the production ring, I still get the random lockups and restarts from a fresh install. The phone also restarts when you unlock it too. Lumia 950XL, single SIM.
Well, I'm out. Hard reset 950XL yesterday and backup failed to restore. Can't face setting everything up from scratch yet again. Especially with the fight I have with some apps to log in (Kindle and Cineplex, I'm looking at you).

Maybe when I cool off a bit I will start to work on it little by little but, for now, it's back to the Nexus 6P.

By the way, in an interesting reversal, the CraveTV app for Android won't play on Android 8.0 on my 6P but works fine on Windows 10 Mobile!
@Kerry2112, yeah take a week or so, and then you need to come on back!

I also want to come back to the Fast Ring. I just don't want the random lockups or restarts. But, seeing as I get them in Production too, it might not make much of a difference either way.

Interestingly, slow ring and fast ring are now the same builds.

Surely that means a new fast ring build must be imminent?
not liking this current build..
- keyboard freezes
- photos app slow to load thumbnails
- screen blackouts after taking photos

but must say, continuum works well .. smooth

... !
Another lockup last night. Unit was only sitting on the wireless charger. Another missed alarm. Woke to a black screen unresponsive. At least Alexa wakes me up!
Happening a few times a day now. HP Elite X3 US

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