Windows 10 Mobile Keyboard Woes

I've been looking for such settings but I don't think there's a way to do what you suggest. If you figure out a way, let me know.

Toggle it off/on. I removed the setting and then I rebooted and left it off for a day just in case it needs to sync. I toggled it back on and text prediction has been getting much better as I use it.

It also may be on their server end. I sometimes wonder if they have algorithms that try to figure out what word you are using based on maybe what other users have chosen during a similar shape. I'm sure there is lots of reasoning behind a choice if it is using their neural network.
Same here. Swipe on WP8.1 was amazingly good, WP10 is pathetically bad. I can only assume they started from scratch.

more like some new guys which weren't fired tried to continue the good work on the world's best touchscreen keyboard, and it exploded on their faces, now the old code is probably unrecoverable at this point-knowing microsoft-for some absurd reason
"the keyboard starts to learn these words". How did you get your keyboard to learn?

I think under one of the advanced keyboard or language settings, or maybe under some privacy settings, there's a toggle to allow Microsoft or Cortana to learn more about you. Forgot where's that settings at. Anyone who knows of this, help me out here? I'm too lazy atm to go through the settings hahaha xD
I think under one of the advanced keyboard or language settings, or maybe under some privacy settings, there's a toggle to allow Microsoft or Cortana to learn more about you. Forgot where's that settings at. Anyone who knows of this, help me out here? I'm too lazy atm to go through the settings hahaha xD

I looked through the keyboard settings as well as the Cortana settings. I can't find anything to improve the keyboard.
"Send Microsoft info about how I write to help improve typing and writing in the future". My understanding is that this simply sends telemetry data to Microsoft which they collect in a giant pile that they might use one day to improve their logic. This does nothing for immediate improvement.
"Send Microsoft info about how I write to help improve typing and writing in the future". My understanding is that this simply sends telemetry data to Microsoft which they collect in a giant pile that they might use one day to improve their logic. This does nothing for immediate improvement.

Your own opinion. The option about telemetry you are talking about is another in Feedback section ;) and you can disable it if you are not an insider.
The improve wryting instead make word flow working. Try yoursefl
I can't see why this keyboard needs to learn at all, on 8.1 it worked immediately and was way more accurate. I also use an Android phone for work, and that didn't need to learn anything either (using SwiftKey). MS need to open the keyboard up to 3rd parties, I'd happily pay for Swype or something similar that just works.
Your own opinion. The option about telemetry you are talking about is another in Feedback section ;) and you can disable it if you are not an insider.
The improve wryting instead make word flow working. Try yoursefl

No, it's not opinion. That's the way it works. That option does nothing to improve the current experience.
I believe the keyboard does learn but it takes a lot longer than you think it should - if it cannot recognise that I'm swiping recognise after 15 times, then there's an issue.
it has issues recognising plurals if the plural ends in "s" such as lights or novels
Same here. Swipe on WP8.1 was amazingly good, WP10 is pathetically bad. I can only assume they started from scratch.

I agree 1,000 percent! This is another issue with W10M that angers me to no end. Wordflow in WP8.1 was perfect, nay, downright telepathic, the keyboard we're saddled with in W10M is dumber than a lobotomized turkey.
I agree 1,000 percent! This is another issue with W10M that angers me to no end. Wordflow in WP8.1 was perfect, nay, downright telepathic, the keyboard we're saddled with in W10M is dumber than a lobotomized turkey.

I'm with you on this one - though not as exaggerated as you of course :grincry:
Same here. Swipe on WP8.1 was amazingly good, WP10 is pathetically bad. I can only assume they started from scratch.
I have been wondering the same thing. I'm specifically on this thread because I've been thinking that ever since I did the Redstone update my swiping experience has absolutely sucked. I had a pretty good experience before that, even on W10M, but ever since the update it has been noticeably horrendous. I've been wondering the same thing you asked. How could it get so much worse and please God tell me there is a solution. It is BAD.
I've been wondering if it has something to do with opening up Cortana to more countries or something. I swear, half of the suggestions made for some of my words are gibberish or make no sense at all. Some of them aren't even words. I didn't have that problem before the update. Is there a way to add words to the word flow recognition? There are some words that no matter how many times I attempt to swipe it, it never shows up as an option. And, although Word Swipe used to seem like it learned from my communications, my recent experience says it isn't learning anything. Anyone know what is going on?
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The swipe keyboard on W10M is the worst and it doesn't learn a thing as mine is still bringing up the same words that make no sense since the day I installed it, incredibly frustrating. Outside of words showing up with letters that I didn't even touch, or swiping words not even in context to what is being swiped, it loves to use "ok" for almost anything in that area. Whether I type I'll, I'm, in, on etc I always get "ok", of all words "ok" because that is a word that is often used in any paragraph. Oh yea, here is a crazy one...typing I'll not only triggers OK but also UP even though U and P are not touched in the swipe.
The swipe keyboard on W10M is the worst and it doesn't learn a thing as mine is still bringing up the same words that make no sense since the day I installed it, incredibly frustrating. Outside of words showing up with letters that I didn't even touch, or swiping words not even in context to what is being swiped, it loves to use "ok" for almost anything in that area. Whether I type I'll, I'm, in, on etc I always get "ok", of all words "ok" because that is a word that is often used in any paragraph. Oh yea, here is a crazy one...typing I'll not only triggers OK but also UP even though U and P are not touched in the swipe.

We have the same exact issue - I'll gives ok 95% of the time :grincry:

And then there are letter combinations like di, du, wo, woo, ne, what are these?
I have been wondering the same thing. I'm specifically on this thread because I've been thinking that ever since I did the Redstone update my swiping experience has absolutely sucked. I had a pretty good experience before that, even on W10M, but ever since the update it has been noticeably horrendous. I've been wondering the same thing you asked. How could it get so much worse and please God tell me there is a solution. It is BAD.
I've been wondering if it has something to do with opening up Cortana to more countries or something. I swear, half of the suggestions made for some of my words are gibberish or make no sense at all. Some of them aren't even words. I didn't have that problem before the update. Is there a way to add words to the word flow recognition? There are some words that no matter how many times I attempt to swipe it, it never shows up as an option. And, although Word Swipe used to seem like it learned from my communications, my recent experience says it isn't learning anything. Anyone know what is going on?

Cortana is still in the same number of countries as before, 13 and no more. :straight:

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