Windows 10= Nokia X pt.2

Which brings us back to the question -- Why should anyone buy a Lumia?

But what kind a (unanswerable) question is that, if I follow up your question then there only can be one phone?
Because even if there where only 2 phones you could ask the same question why A (and not B)
Or why have football teams fans, there is only one the "best" so why support a team which even does not make it to the top 10??
Which brings us back to the question -- Why should anyone buy a Lumia?

A similar question is: Why not?
There are hundreds of million of people that don't need many apps. Besides, the app situation is expected to improve with the support for iOS and Android apps.
Microsoft also has a cost advantage compared to OEMs, they can subsidize the hardware with service revenue.
Web portals do exist. The functionality to deposit checks without their mobile apps doesn't ;)))
I do that AT the bank or the banks ATM. You could say I'm old school or it could be that Chase banks are everywhere and I'm not lazy.
A similar question is: Why not?
There are hundreds of million of people that don't need many apps. Besides, the app situation is expected to improve with the support for iOS and Android apps.
Microsoft also has a cost advantage compared to OEMs, they can subsidize the hardware with service revenue.

How do you entice users to switch to a less mature OS with an even less mature App Store? Cost of the phone? That works for people who do not need many apps.

Wouldn't you agree that if Windows Phones had killer features they would be adopted faster? Cutting the cost in certain markets is not enough.
But what kind a (unanswerable) question is that, if I follow up your question then there only can be one phone?
Because even if there where only 2 phones you could ask the same question why A (and not B)
Or why have football teams fans, there is only one the "best" so why support a team which even does not make it to the top 10??

I did not think I was unclear...
If you were one of the majority who owned and liked your android phone, what would entice you to purchase a Windows 10 phone? The bold colors? Live tiles? The relatively stable OS?

lol smh
I can because it is my opinion. And it differs from yours. Also lets keep it realistic.

A Samsung galaxy light is $149.99 its only $30 after rebates. It's also not in the same category as a Lumia 435....a 2 megapixel fix focused camera.

Lets compare it to competing products such as the Lumia 635, Lumia 530, etc and you may have a point there.

It's not an opinion, it is fact. Samsung is several years ahead at software processing. Nokia 808 is still ahead of the Lumia 1520 lol... Not as if Nokia would have or could have done anything differently. They are great

You are only defending my initial argument, why are you arguing with me :^) Using Galaxy Light as a "comparing" metric.
Btw Galaxy Light is $30 in my local market, no rebates required.

For example, I can purchase Lumia 640 XL for $270 from Expansys. For $250 I could go with with an Alcatel Idol 3. Does not have Zeiss optics, however the display and processor are technically superior.
Hell, at $200 there is the S800 Fire Phone with 1 year Amazon Prime ;)))

I get that not everyone has the same motivations for purchasing a phone, however it would seem that the Android camp has its perks too.
I do that AT the bank or the banks ATM. You could say I'm old school or it could be that Chase banks are everywhere and I'm not lazy.

Yep, I'm lazy. That must be it right? What makes a smartphone smart XD? I can deposit checks at a local bank or ATM carrying my Palm Treo.
Not a big fan of walking into my local bank. All the bankers greet me eerily as I walk towards the counter.

Anyways I am the irrational one here. I am lazy a person however I spend the extra time and drive the extra miles to deposit checks.
How do you entice users to switch to a less mature OS with an even less mature App Store? Cost of the phone? That works for people who do not need many apps.

Wouldn't you agree that if Windows Phones had killer features they would be adopted faster? Cutting the cost in certain markets is not enough.

It would be easier and faster with a killer feature, but It's not a prerequisite. Macs and Chrombooks don't have a killer feature, but they've been growing slowly in the last few years.

WP won't jump from 2.5% market share to 50% in a year, that's not realistic. If WP survives, growth will be a slow process. Every little increase of the user base will make the platform more attractive to developers and more attractive to the public.
Why are you still with Win10/Microsoft?
(Aka Why I just realized Windows 10 reminds me a lot of Nokia X lol)

Just a little snippet of a convo I had earlier with my Android and IOS friends about why stay with Windows....
I actually got asked this question by two good friends of mine. One is an avid iPhone user and the other, poor thing, is an Android user. I've tried to help him but he likes android/google so i'll leave it to prayer for his affliction. Kidding ;)

Anyway we were at work and discussing things on our breaks about the tech world and my friend, Alex, asked me point blank why I was with Microsoft?

I said I enjoy Windows a lot.

To which it opened a lot of debate and we were discussing the 3 companies and then it made me realize....

How on earth is Microsoft's new ideology really good for the overall Windows 10 ecosystem by giving everything to the competitors? Sometimes even better versions and leaving their own OS/users in the dark/limbo for months at a time.

Yes it is good that they are more open and I can understand that thought process and I applaud that. But even Google wasn't THIS open in the early days of Android. Google also never(or rarely did so) never released better versions of their own apps on the iPhone and if they did, it wasn't that far off with their own release.

MY friend brought a good point

"With all things Microsoft going to everyone....why would I be more inclined to move to Windows 10 if I can pretty much get the same exact thing on my ipad/iPhone with no issue? Sure it may not be 100 percent cohesive but it really is no different than an iPhone user who uses google products. They don't need a cohesive android experience to still experience all google has to offer. I don't need to go Windows anymore to get the best version of office. I technically already have that before you...."

I really couldn't say anything other than "Well whatever." because he really is right.

Of course my android friend chimed in

"At the end of the day, all you really have left are tiles and if I truly wanted that, we've had launchers for years on Android that can fake it enough to be more appealing. That's the beauty of android."

In reality it almost seems like the new Microsoft is actually further empowering the other OS with more weapons. It's like going to war but giving your competitors your best weapons for it to be used against you.

I did make them laugh when I mentioned "I still have the best camera."

Of course given how Lumia camera is apparently going to all Windows devices, it wouldn't surprise me to see lumia camera for android lmao.

I do wonder if I am being too stubborn and should I really consider an iPhone or an android phone(Sigh) :P
But listening to the same BS excuses about why everything going to Apple/IOS is good is like listening to the same BS excuses about why Nokia X is a good thing lol.

Possibly the dumbest thing ever written.
Unlike Google, who is 'sticking' their users to use their hardware by making the best Google experience on Android, Microsoft is trying to 'carrot' their users to use their hardware by offering a great experience (as best as possible) on their services on any device. The hope is the thought that if Microsoft services are so great, it must be great to use them on a Microsoft phone. I don't think that logic is sound yet, but like others I'm waiting and seeing.

As much as I love my Lumias, the only reason I can give to people to switch, other than for Microsoft services, is regardless of using my 635, 925, or 1520, I'm pretty guaranteed a smooth, consistent, updated, and usable experience despite the cost of the device. I don't feel I have that guarantee on Android from any manufacturer unless I get flagships, or from Apple unless I always get the latest and greatest.
Yep, I'm lazy. That must be it right? What makes a smartphone smart XD? I can deposit checks at a local bank or ATM carrying my Palm Treo.
Not a big fan of walking into my local bank. All the bankers greet me eerily as I walk towards the counter.

Anyways I am the irrational one here. I am lazy a person however I spend the extra time and drive the extra miles to deposit checks.

I deposit at the ATM and my funds are available the next day. It can take sometimes 3 days for a check to be available when using the app. I don't need my funds readily available, but I don't like banks keeping them in limbo.
I did not think I was unclear...
If you were one of the majority who owned and liked your android phone, what would entice you to purchase a Windows 10 phone? The bold colors? Live tiles? The relatively stable OS?

lol smh

I actual never owned an android or iPhone.
My choice to buy a windows phone was "easy" a IPhone was and is to expensive for me.
And when I compared android with windows phone I got a windows phone because I have a windows computer, "no" bloatware on windows phones, no "need" to flash ROMS, no virus scanner needed ....and one important feature the QI charging on the Lumia.

Why should or must people who have an phone and are happy with it change?
But there are also people who have a phone and are less happy with it and they may change and if a iPhone is to expensive a windows phone is a the solution.
And not every android owner has to change "camp" but if there is a steady stream of "converts" per year then that is already enough.
And with all the low/mid end releases Microsoft also gets a base of people whose first phone is a windows phone. (very important)

So again as long as there is companion people can choose and that is good.
And it only can become better for people if Windows becomes a stronger OS because then Android and IPhone have to keep improving to prevent "loosing" users.

But I guess above is not good enough for you so I will wait again on your reply.

Bye the way in Pakistan they have reasons to go for windows phones.
Lumia 535 Becomes Best Seller Mid-Range Smartphone in Pakistan :

I haven't read all the posts here but I get the gist.

I too am struggling with Microsoft's reasons to develop apps for all platforms. My hunch is that MS is invested heavily in cloud services now and that is their future revenue stream. (along with subscriptions to most everything they produce).

I miss the good old days. The times when my work colleagues would show up for meetings with their puny iPads and I'd laugh manically when they were asked to edit an Excel spreadsheet. Out came their Lenovo's and it wasn't long before their iPads were passed along to the kiddies. Not the case anymore.

I say bring back Ballmer. :straight:
The problem we have here is that we look at Microsoft as one giant company, when story after story tells us Microsoft treats each division separately, each with it's own goals and agendas. At this point the only shared goal between them is to make money.

Right now each division is throwing as much at the wall to see what will stick so that they don't get cut or sold. The Office/Cloud/Other services divisions have decided to go device agnostic because that is the way for them to make the most money. The OS/Phone/Surface/Xbox divisions have gone a different way as is necessitated by their nature.

The interesting thing is that the apparent allegiances between divisions are about as weak as allegiances between companies. While the Xbox division will run the Xbox One on Windows 10, you can almost count that once they get the game streaming working on Windows 10 devices they will immediately try to get it working on Android and iOS because it could be used to make them money.

It's all about making money and right now they are trying to reach as wide an audience as possible... and the current most profitable future is for them to provide services like crazy for money.

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