Windows 10 - Unable to get past Loading Screen (NOT A NEW INSTALL), what should I do?

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Windows 10 - Unable to get past Loading Screen (NOT A NEW INSTALL)

I installed Windows 10 on a MS Vista OS, Viao laptop about a month ago. Everything has been fine. I've been learning how to use Windows 10, and have been more or less happy with it.

On October 16, 1015, I booted the laptop just like I do every morning around 8:30 am. I got past the loading screen, got the Loading screen photo image, and then the login screen. I logged in, and got an alert that Windows 10 updates were available. Since I had 30 some minutes before I needed to actually USE the machine I told it to update. I clicked the update button, and Windows 10 partially logged me out to do the update. When windows restarted, I got past the loading screen, and got to the Login screen.

But after putting in my Windows credentials, I got a blue screen with a white circle progress indicator, and it sat like that for about 20 minutes.

I restarted by pressing the power button, but am now unable to even to the loading screen. As soon as I hear the "booting windows" sound, the blue screen with the white circle progress indicator comes up. I've tried this about 5 times, letting it sit for about 30 minutes each time.

I've spent the entire morning and afternoon trying to find a way to get into safe mode without the use of the "restart" function, but either that data doesn't exist or I am not using the correct search terms to find it.

Anyone have any advice for me?


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Oct 16, 2015
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Re: Windows 10 - Unable to get past Loading Screen (NOT A NEW INSTALL)

BTW, the above question was posted by me. I was logged in, but not aware that the "Ask A Question" forms would not put my question in the Windows 10 forum, or that it would post my question as if I was a guest.
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Oct 16, 2015
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Re: Windows 10 - Unable to get past Loading Screen (NOT A NEW INSTALL)

Paul, I left the machine in question turned on, and hard-wired to the Internet all day Friday and Friday night. Midmorning on Saturday I was able to log in. However up until Thursday the 22nd, I could not use launch Skype or Skype for business. Windows is updating without us knowing about it, I guess. So if you can, turn on the machine running Windows 10, try to connect it to the Internet, and then wait. Beyond that, you have options like re-installing your old OS if you the appropriate resources.

Finally, I was lucky. The machine I put Windows 10 on is not my MAIN machine. So it being down was very annoying, but it could have been much worse.

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