Windows 10 update crashed computer, how can I fix it?

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Windows Central Question

Windows 10 update crashed computer.

On 28/12/15 switched computer on and it went straight into Windows 10 updating, then came up with box saying "update fail", clicked on that and it then kept bring up different disc failures. Now stuck in blue screen which takes me into auto repair which then comes up with PC did not start correctly and gives different options : restart option throws me back to blue screen, troubleshoot advanced option - system restore won't give me any dates so have to cancel out, system image recovery - can't find any images, start up repair - takes me back round auto repair back to blue screen, command prompt - haven't the foggiest what to do here, go back to previous build - ran into a problem and won't be able to take you back. Aaarrgghh, please help.


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Jan 30, 2013
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Re: Windows 10 update crashed computer.

you provided info on the problem, but a lot more is needed. is it a desktop or laptop (or tablet)?
Did it come with windows 10 or was it an upgrade from Windows 7/8/8.1?
System age and has it ever been reformatted? (may seem like a dumb question, but if it's a Windows 7 launch system, or has gone from windows 7 to 8 to 8.1 to 10, there could be underlying issues that you may have not noticed)


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Jan 6, 2016
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Re: Windows 10 update crashed computer.

Sounds like a bad Windows update. You're good to try and use Windows System Restore and the System Images but they're useless at this point as they are within Windows. I'm guessing you don't have a 3rd party disk imager? If you do for some reason then you'll want to re-image if you can. If not you'll likely need to do a fresh install of Windows 10. You'll lose all your data but you'll at least be back up and running. You'll want to replace Windows System Restore and Windows System Image with something WAY more reliable. There's a lot of great free solutions out there, I'd go with Rollback Rx for a WSR alternative and for disk imaging there's so many to choose, I use Drive Cloner but really anything will be better, if you had even a disk image you'd probably be able to re-image.

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