Windows 8.1 Update 1 Not Completed


New member
Apr 14, 2013
Anybody else having problems trying to install the Windows 8.1 Update 1 that was released today?

I've tried twice so far. Both times, Windows successfully downloaded the update and then restarted computer, only to get stuck during the configuration stage. Both times, in fact, the configuration would slow to an absolute crawl once it got to the 83% mark, and then ultimately it told me that the "Update could not be Completed" and it was "Undoing Changes." Took forever for the computer to try to install the update, and then just as long for it to undo the changes, so it's somewhat frustrating.
Having the exact same issue! Except mine actually gets to 99% after restarting. Using a surface pro 2 here. It is so annoying.
Hmmm, I thought my experience will be worse because I installed the leaked 8.1 update 1 on both my Surface and Surface Pro. The Surface has completed the official update 1 installation and I'm using it now without any issues. the Surface Pro is still downloading.

Sent from my Surface with Windows RT using Tapatalk
Anybody else having problems trying to install the Windows 8.1 Update 1 that was released today?

I've tried twice so far. Both times, Windows successfully downloaded the update and then restarted computer, only to get stuck during the configuration stage. Both times, in fact, the configuration would slow to an absolute crawl once it got to the 83% mark, and then ultimately it told me that the "Update could not be Completed" and it was "Undoing Changes." Took forever for the computer to try to install the update, and then just as long for it to undo the changes, so it's somewhat frustrating.

It ccould be that you don't have enough space on your surface. Try deleting big files and see if that helps.
I managed to eventually install the update. But only after restoring factory settings. Luckily I didn't have too much stuff saved on this tablet
This has been the problem on the computer I built. My two Parallels virtual machines and 2520 have had no problems.

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