Windows 8 Delayed???


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Mar 1, 2012
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All conjecture. Microsoft may have perfectly rational reasons for holding back SDKs.

Working in software myself, i can't remember any big projects where everything was finished days in advance, let alone weeks or months. Theres always something more, or an extra bit of polish you can add.


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Jul 4, 2011
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It also depends on what you considered delayed. This is a new kernal. Better to release it a "little late" and as bug free as you can as opposed to pushing it out there and having to deal with a large amount of software problems.

This big of a roll out I do expect there to be some glitches, and that is an advantage of the initial devices having as close to the same internal hardware as they can. Will make for easier fixes. But wholesale problems at the release would be death. WP is nowhere succesful enough to be able to withstand "bricking", "white screens of death", or freezing at every command.

Release it when it is ready. Better a late November, seamless launch than a mid October one with bad experiences.


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Mar 19, 2012
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My only issue with the delay is that it could be one of those things that normal consumers would miss out on if they are on the fence about going to a WP8 device. They could say "Ah, WP8 is taking too long" thus prompting them to making an EPIC mistake ;) in buying a new iphone. Lol. Us hardcore WP users know there is something around the corning worth waiting for, but what about those who don't? And even still....we don't truly know what M& is bringing to the table. We don't know what we are waiting on.


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Jul 27, 2012
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All conjecture. Microsoft may have perfectly rational reasons for holding back SDKs.

Working in software myself, i can't remember any big projects where everything was finished days in advance, let alone weeks or months. Theres always something more, or an extra bit of polish you can add.

Sure you can! Redefine 'finished' so that you

With sound software engineering practice
Excellent test case created
Good software testers
Strong Project Managers
Effective Team Leaders
Clear non-vague requirements
Realistic scheduling
Strong enforceable cut-off dates for adding new features ( teats why I thought the withholding info from Google/Apple was questionable as it would only introduce instability into the system )

Will allow software to be delivered on time with a hard shipping date. Some features may be cut but software can be delivered on time. Its a culture thing where employees are conditioned to expect less and develop the mentality that hard ship dates cant be reached.

Unrealistic schedules and features will not allow the proper time for testing department to do their jobs. Having developers check in code that has not been properly tested will eventually produce poor/buggy software.

I do believe that MS will hit their hard date, the software will be buggy but it will ship on time. Missing Holiday 2012 is not an option.


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Dec 1, 2011
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I've already addressed this like 5 times the past couple days.

People, relax. This is exactly why companies don't give out hard dates on releases in advance... people get paranoid when they know a date and don't have information that suits their whims.

This is normal software development... Mango was finished July 26 and released to the public just 7 weeks apart. Folks, guess what?! We're at the 7 week mark RIGHT NOW, this week.

Now, if they have several, major bugs to squash... maybe they'll run a bit tight, but remember that Windows 8 had a single showstopper bug that delayed them a week and yet they still RTM'd as expected.

Relax. Goosefraba! This is normal, and the launch will happen just fine. I'm not just saying this as a ****** or anything, this is coming to you as a IT guy who deals with software releases all the time.

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